We're an information economy, highly skilled, educated...Lower paying manufacturing jobs are fast becoming a thing of the past in this country. Third world workers welcome these jobs with open arms, while we move off to better things. And who bemoans the loss of these low-skilled, dirty, dead-end manufacturing jobs...where have all Teddy's people gone? Has anyone tried Splenda, the latest sugar substitute? It's excellent, and won't make you crazy like aspartame can.
http://www.census.gov/population/socdemo/education/cps2004/tab01a-01.pdf http://www.census.gov/population/socdemo/education/cps2004/tab05-01.pdf http://www.census.gov/population/socdemo/education/cps2004/tab08-1.pdf
Good stats there Marc. Doesn't it beg the question though of whether the issue is the sufficiency of available jobs or the sufficiency of peoples' education? I imagine as the job market evolves and requires more than a basic education, then people will tend to understand the value of spending time on education. Of course, this process will take some time, and there will be growing pains.
I found a report of CAFTA's economic impact on Louisiana. Dr. James A. Richardson, an economics professor at LSU, prepared the report back in March, 2004. It's a long report, but some of it is interesting. Here's one of his conclusions: The estimated impact of passing CAFTA on the Louisiana economy varies from new business sales of $169.3 million to $338.6 million, household earnings of $38.6 million to $77.2 million and new jobs of 1,385 to 2,769 new jobs. CAFTA will have a positive impact on business activity, household earnings, and jobs in Louisiana in poultry production, cotton, rice, and soybean production, paper product manufacturing, the manufacturing of chemicals and plastics, and the sale of major industrial equipment. These industries will, in turn, have a positive economic impact on the community in which they exist and for the state as a whole. Here's the full report in pdf format ... CAFTA IMPACT ON LOUISIANA
i agree, the more educated we become as a country the better it will be for all of us. however, i feel the premise that we can survive as a nation without manufacturing is far from true. we shouldn't forget that manufacturing doesn't just employ uneducated line workers. there are also electricians with technical degrees, buyers and financial analysts, IT people, engineers, supervisors and managers who have jobs because of manufacturing. We should never stop evolving as a society, but we shouldn't attempt to evolve economically at a pace that will leave the majority of the population behind. a high school dipoma isn't worth a whole lot in today's job market, and, as we see, most americans are still in that category. i'm all for forcing those who are able to adapt to do so, because they will benefit and so will we in the long-run, but it will not happen overnight, and all will not be able to. i admit, those numbers were pretty surprising to me; i thought the percentage of college graduates in the 25 - 35 yr. old range would be significantly higher. educated americans are still the minority. if we reach a point where there aren't enough unskilled jobs to go around, the under-educated majority will eventually rule, we will be voted into a true form of socialism, and all will be lost. i can assure you i'm not a socialist or a communist, as i've been called. i'm all for preserving the american way of life. to do so requires patience and a steady growth as a society.
It's simplistic and misleading to judge one generations level of education to another generations', based soley on diploma's/degrees. Here are a few people that never graduated from college: Bill Gates, Paul Allen, Larry Ellison, Michael Dell... That was just a very prominent few. There are a great many people in this country today who are very well "educated" with no college degree. Many have some college, many have none, some haven't even graduated high school. I stand by my prior statement. We are a highly educated people, much more so than past generations (and with greater expectations--especially in our quality of life, standards of living)...no matter what France thinks, or the few clowns that Jay Leno finds on Sunset Strip and makes fun of. Hooray for Google!!!
i guess kobe, kg, a-rod, and a bunch more millionaires don't have college degrees either. with all these success stories, those income figures have to be wrong.......
right, and your revered income tables show parts of Terrebonne Parish as the poorest in the nation. Problem is, no one told the Shrimper's and Crabber's...i guess they never told Uncle Sam...communication, always the problem. I could imagine somone like you with your government tables chock full of gov. stats., searching for all these hords of desolate families in South Terrebonne. You'll drive right into the Gulf of Mexico.
nothing to add, this is a FSA post of the year candidate. there are two things , (you can use the term "memes" here if you are fancy) that i think hurt the world more than anything: 1. the refusal to accept that capitalism/free trade is the saving grace of humanity and the direct path to a better world. 2. i will talk about another time.