JV is still fast with the still photos. many defenses will be chasing him next year. This guy is going to go off
How do you attach an image, can someone help me in a little more detail than, just put attach at the bottom. I do that and it comes up like my post above.
This is how I do it. I'm sure there are some techno savy people on this forum who can do it easier. However, since no one reponsed to you, I will explain to you how I do it. First of all you need to select the "Post a Reply" icon at the end of a thread as opposed to simply typing your comments in the window at the end of a thread. You should have whatever image you want to include in your post saved to your hard drive. At the bottom of the window there will be an "Attach File" option. To the right of this will be browse. Click on it and find the place on your computer where the image is stored and click on it. Click on Submit Reply and the image should be included. Clear as mud, right ?
That's kinda cool. Nice pictures, too. For future reference, mpeg uses non-square pixels. If you do any more, you should resize them to some 16:9 ratio (say 853x480) to keep people from looking thin. (The abc logo should be round)
If you click each pic in order and then click the back button back to the first pic and then click the forward button real fast its almost like your watching the play at full speed. I am no computer wiz so if some of you already knew this bare with me.