From watching many people in their final weeks/months... Yes... at times... it is better to be in the sky, than to be in all of that pain.. This is all I will say to your foolishness of sorting through all of my posts, b/c this is a very serious thread, that doesn't need to be polluted.
I agree with Casey. I've seen many people struggle through the toughest agony I'd never wish on my worst enemy. Of course death is never a "great" thing, but in some cases it is less painful, if you will. If you believe that the next world is better than this one, it makes it an easier pill to swallow. I DO believe that in heaven, with our father, we will have everything lifted from us. People like Sue were never meant for this world anyway. I've talked with her a few times in the past at LSU BBall functions and she was THE ideal ambassador for LSU. This is echoed through her players--past, and present--and through the multitude of great moments she enstilled in HER program while at LSU. If you do not want to believe that something happens when we die--fine! But, for those who believe, we will never be truly happy until we meet our father, our maker. That, my friends, is a huge comfort...
Bingo! he is just out to nit-pick me! But yes... when you are suffering, people often give up to be at the hands of their maker.. This peace is a peace that we all look forward to having! Now Sue can be surrounded by all of the Saints where she belongs, b/c she was really darn close to it here... GREAT person...
What a lady & a legacy! No more suffering! LSU will probably devote their upcoming season to her. I hope the girls go all the way this year, with an angel on their shoulders. :geauxtige
Deep sympathy from a Vandy fan Sue Gunter was such a tough competitor, but a class act all the way. My deepest sympathy to her family, friends and all LSU fans. We will really miss her in the SEC.
I feel privileged that Sue Gunter was associated with LSU. She was obviously a powerful presence of good in the lives of those who were close to her. Thank you, Sue, for representing LSU in such a tremendous way. May you rest in blissful peace until that day when we are all brought together.
I'll say this about Coach Gunter. I had the privelege of working with her and there wasn't a more classy person than Sue Gunter. She treated everyone with respect and dignity from the AD to the student assistants. She was a wonderful person and a stalwart of women's athletics. I hated to see the way she's suffered the last few years so hopefully she'll find eternal peace. May God Blees Coach Sue and her family.