Obama Suddenly, Obamacare is more unpopular than ever

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by LSUTiga, Aug 1, 2014.

  1. MLUTiger

    MLUTiger Secular Humanist

    Aug 9, 2001
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    It's plenty transparent if you're smart.
  2. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    not really, this guy is just telling the truth. same as Phil Gramm was telling the truth when he said that American's are lazy. the truth hurts. day in and day out I come onto this forum and other political forums that I peruse and sometimes comment on, and I can tell you that the vast majority of people in this country have no idea what is going on politically outside of what their preferred media tells them. let's face it the only way most people have any idea what is going on is from what they hear on their preferred media or what their friends post on facebook or chain e-mails. sadly, the more people I talk to, the less faith I have in the future of the country because no one is truly paying attention. we've become a nation of people who cannot, or refuse to, talk to our political opponents in a respectful and thoughtful manner. rather, all of the mediums I mentioned above force feed garbage to make everyone believe that the problem with the country is the other side. sheep, I tell ya.....fucking sheep.
    mobius481 and red55 like this.
  3. the old picker

    the old picker The old picker

    Nov 6, 2014
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  4. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Horseshit. Phony number. You couldn't back this up to save your life.
    Winston1 likes this.
  5. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    "Three out of every four emergency physicians have seen a great or slight uptick in the number of patients streaming into the ER since Obamacare’s main provisions took effect, according a survey released Monday that seemed to undercut one of the key selling points of the 2010 overhaul.

    Only 17 percent of doctors told the American College of Emergency Physicians that ER volume has held steady since January 2014, when the government began to require most Americans to hold health insurance or pay a tax penalty. Only 5 percent saw a decrease.

    Instead, nearly half (47 percent) said ER volume had increased “slightly,” and 28 percent said it had increased “greatly.”

    Similarly, more than half of ER physicians said the volume of Medicaid patients increased greatly (24 percent) or slightly (32 percent).

    The findings contradict claims that the Affordable Care Act of 2010 would reduce the frequency of expensive ER visits, as more people gained coverage through the exchanges or Medicaid and, ostensibly, relied on preventive care through regular visits to a primary doctor.

    Nearly two-thirds of physicians said they’re spending more time coordinating patients’ care after they come to the ER, and the main reason is that patients have a hard time scheduling timely follow-up visits with primary doctors and specialists."


    LSUMASTERMIND Founding Member

    Nov 15, 2007
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    ouse Speaker John Boehner sat down with NBC’s Chuck Todd on “Meet the Press” yesterday, and the host asked a good question about the Republican leader’s failed predictions about the Affordable Care Act. Regrettably, the Speaker couldn’t respond with an equally good answer.
    TODD: You made some dire predictions about health care. 2014 you said fewer people would have health insurance. According to plenty of surveys, more people have health insurance today than they did before it went down from – the uninsured rate went down 17 percent to just under 12 percent. You said it would destroy jobs. The first year it was implemented, the country added 3 million jobs. Why…
    BOEHNER: Obamacare made it harder for employers to hire people. The economy expands and as a result, you are going to have more employees because businesses have to. But if you can ask any employer in America, and ask them whether Obamacare has made it harder for them to hire employees, they’ll tell you yes. Because it’s a fact.
    When you look at – you know why there are more people insured? Because a lot more people are on Medicaid. And giving – you know, we expanded Medicaid in a big way. And giving people Medicaid insurance is almost like giving them nothing. Because there aren’t – you can’t find a doctor that will see Medicaid patients.
    The Speaker soon added that, as far as he’s concerned, the Affordable Care Act is “not working.”
    Boehner might have a credible argument, if we abandoned the agreed upon meaning of “working.”
    red55 likes this.
  7. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    20 Obamacare Stats Republicans Don't Want You to See

    • Nearly 30 million Americans have gotten health insurance under Obamacare.

    • The rate of uninsured adults has dropped to 12.3%.

    • Number of adults without health insurance in 2013: 41 million. Today: 30 million

    • Percentage of insurance exchange customers who'd previously been uninsured: 57%

    • Annual number of people who would be uninsured over the next decade if not for Obamcare: 24 to 27 million

    • The Congressional Budget Office's latest estimate of how much Obamacare's subsidies will cost: $209 billion less than projected

    43% of Americans say they have an unfavorable view of Obamacare. Yet, many Americans approve of most of its major components:

    Insurance exchanges/marketplaces: 78% approve

    Subsidies for buying insurance: 76% approve

    Medicaid expansion: 75% approve

    Requiring large employers to insure workers: 60% approve

    Requiring individuals to buy insurance: 35% approve

    • Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, has said that Republicans will "make every effort we can to repeal" Obamacare. In his home state of Kentucky, the rate of insured adults rose an average of 9.8% across all counties.

    • Number of times Congress has voted to repeal Obamacare (so far): 56

    63% of Americans say Republicans have no alternative to Obamacare.

    22 states have not adopted Obamacare's Medicaid expansion.

    • Uninsured who are in the "coverage gap" due to lack of Medicaid expansion: 3.7 million

    • Americans who could lose subsidies for federal insurance exchanges if the Supreme Court rules against them later this year: 13.4 million

    • Of the 8.2 million people who could lose their insurance altogether, nearly 10,000 could die annually due to lack of coverage.

    53% of Americans have not heard of this Supreme Court case.

    • Percentage of Americans who say Obama care has…

    …helped them or their families: 19%

    …hurt them or their families: 22%

    …had no direct impact on them: 57%

    • Percentage of Democrats who say Obamacare has helped them: 28%

    • Percentage of Republicans who say Obamacare has hurt them: 43%

    • The average change in insured Americans by county between 2013 and 2014: +6.1%

    LSUMASTERMIND likes this.
  8. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    Boehner is an idiot and the textbook example of everything that is wrong in Washington DC.

    Instead of quoting a bunch of partisan commentary, can you address the ER physician survey and what it suggested?
  9. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    How about you make the points about Obamacare that you want to make and I'll make the points that I want to make. Partisan? What a unconvincing attempt to discredit the truth. I listed simple statistics with their sources linked.

    You want me to address the poll of doctors opinions? I thought I was pretty obvious, but OK . . . I suggest that for every failure of Obamacare there are 20 triumphs.

    Or how about this. Not only have emergency room visits been rising at a steep rate for 20 years before Obamacare was enacted, but also the number of operating emergency rooms has steadily declined.


    This fact means that visits to individual emergency rooms had to rise. I suggest that it has nothing to do with the ACA at all, but because of the smaller numbers of emergency rooms available. The biggest private hospital ER in Baton Rouge closed last month. Not because of the ACA at all, but because our governor privatized state health care, rejected federal Medicaid money, and closed a dozen charity hospitals and their emergency rooms. It swamped the Baton Rouge General Hospital ER with millions of dollars worth of unpaid indigent visits and they had to close it to stay solvent.

    You can blame overt Republican party politics of denying health care to poor people for it. How is that for a partisan response?
  10. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    ER Doctors do that shit every day...it's more than opinion. They know how many patients they see in a shift and what causes work delays.

    Where/what is the source for this graph? And by the way, it only goes to 2008, not 2010 or beyond and certainly not past January, 2014 which is the important time period.

    According to the CDC, Injury-related ER visits by the 10,000's were 1,076 in 2006, 1,040 in 2008, and 1,084 in 2011. So they actually dropped between 2006 and 2008.

    "The poll follows ACEP's 2014 State-by-State Report Card released in January, which gave the nation a dismal D+ grade for its lack of support of emergency patients. Forty percent of emergency physicians polled say their state policymakers are doing a poor job of addressing the issues raised in their state's recent Report Card, which looked at the issues of Access to Emergency Care, Quality and Patient Safety, Medical Liability Environment, Public Health and Injury Prevention and Disaster Preparedness. (State and national grades are available atwww.emreportcard.com.)

    When asked about the most important policy solution to improve emergency care, the top response (32 percent) was "enacting liability reform."

    "The lack of medical liability limits is directly linked to workforce shortages in medicine, especially among specialists called to see patients in the emergency department," said Dr. Rosenau. "Emergency patients tend to be more critically ill and have higher risks of bad outcomes, and some specialists are simply unwilling to take the risk of being sued."

    By the way, these same physicians believe that long-term ACA will have a positive impact, but you don't think much of their opinions, so.....

    The larger point is that under ACA, there were all kinds of financial projections which are not proving accurate. How do the shortfalls/cost get addressed? What of all the other underlying issues which are not being addressed? As with most federal programs, they launch it, fail to measure it, fail to circle back and make corrections, set a timeline to determine effectiveness.
    Winston1 likes this.

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