So, the Fact that the Facts are not Factual, means that I should carry on as usual, as a matter of Fact. :shock: Seriously, what flavor is the Kool-Aid really? :huh:
I guess compared to Obama's performance I am extreme right wing. The stimulus plan was ill conceived and involved throwing money at the problem with no regard for consequences. The rush to deliver a comprehensive health care reform bill despite the fact that we cannot afford it just so he could say he did it was stupid. More unnecessary spending proposals. Jumping to the defense of his friend, the professor, before knowing the facts was stupid. Allowing crazy extremists into the Czar circle without any vetting made him look stupid. Refusing to act on HIS general's request for more troops is/was stupid. Allowing Holder to move the terrorist trial to New York was stupid. Geithner's days are numbered because it's coming out that the AIG bailout was done to protect his cronies at Goldman Sachs, et al. Picking Geithner, a known tax cheat was stupid. Apologizing to pissant dictators on America's behalf was stupid. Cap and Trade is not going to be and his support of such a debacle is stupid. Telling Poland to go phuck themselves was stupid. I could go on .
all from your point of view, you are one of the biggest hypocrites on this forum and this post proves it beyond a shadow of a doubt. wow
are you serious? your view of those events doesnt validate your opinion of whether its true or false. You saying that his delay on the troops is stupid, thats subjective, it isnt a question of fact or fiction.. its getting really hard to talk to you, when your like this. We arent debating the merits, just your twisted point of view which you feel like you are always right, which is sad.
If it was just this then it was an error. But when the same thing keeps occurring over and over, then it is lies or total ineptness. Neither is good for this Country.
These lies are no better than Bush's lies for his war. I don't see anyone calling for his head over a more serious issue?