I have never "lived in" KS for a full year... but we stayed there for cheerleading camp for a week... and from that experience it was TERRIBLE!... the room we actually stayed in was like pee all over the walls and all sorts of things written on the walls it was disgusting. But HEY thats college life, kinda have to get over it, unless you find an apartment on campus/ or close too! Do take advice though!
Beauregard I just found out yesterday that I got switched to Beauregard, in the Pentagon. I'm pretty happy for that too. Thanks for all the info
Good to see you got switched. I was in Power Hall the last semester before they tore it down. My window unit was filled with algae or fungus and stunk to high heaven. We would spray deodorizer and antibacterial spray into that thing every day. Then i went into Highland for a semester. Before they had AC of course that was better. Then i moved into the fraternity house and stayed there for 4 years.. much more fun.
Not that I enjoyed summer school, but I didn't mind it much. You would get almost a month off between the spring semester and the start of summer classes and then another 2-3 weeks off after. I guess you're right about regretting it though. I was supposed to go with friends to Omaha the year Morris hit the GW homer but it conflicted with the start of summer classes. Got to hear some good stories but I'd rather be telling them, if you know what I mean. Also, you're probably correct that living in a dorm makes the adjustment easier (I lived off-campus for all 5 yrs) but most of the off-campus apts are so close that it's kind of like living on campus. Part of my decision was from the experience of staying in the dorms during LSU basketball camps. Just thought apts were a little less restrictive.
Living in a place like Kirby builds character. I think that is the closest I have been to being homeless. It also makes you appriciate your off campus apartment if mom and dad are paying the rent. Makes crappy grades and it's back to the dorms or even worse, LSU-Shreveport!!!!!!