Thanks for all the info. I lived in Mandeville back in 8th grade and know some people that are going to LSU, but haven't really talked to any of them in a while. I live in TX now and we have about six or seven people going to LSU. I plan on getting an apt. after the first year.
Kirby-Smith is a dog. It was in the early 70's and it is now. You spend WAY too much time waiting on an elevator if you are on the upper floors. The only dorm worth a damn is the Pentagon barracks. Tall ceilings, big rooms, steam heat, quick door to the outside without having to go through some friggin' lobby.
Is the Pentagon Barracks air conditioned? I lived in Kirby for a year, and it wasn't that bad. The private bathroom for every two rooms is a plus. That is unless you get stuck with bathroom hogs in the next room who happen to have the same class schedule as you. The only thing that ever bothered me about Kirby is that in my first month of college a kid from Pineville (Kip Earl Gullett) was snatched up from the parking lot and murdered for trying to thwart car thieves who were breaking into his roommate's car.
One other bit of advice regarding Kirby Smith: Never, ever, for any reason, touch the elevator walls.
Pentagon wasn't air conditioned when I lived there, but it wasn't very hot with the tall ceilings and tall windows. I kept an oscillating fan running and did just fine. I think they may have window units now.
Towards the end of my reign in Kirby at least one new elevator was installed and the next year when I visited a friend there were two new elevators. I still wouldn't touch the walls. I liked the old elevators since they had no numbers on the buttons so you had to guesss which one was for your floor. Also one of them had a hole in the floor and you could see into the shaft. Ahhhhh, memories..........
I lived in KS for a year. We had a room on the end so we took the stairs instead of the elevator. We also re-arranged the furniture. We shoved one bed into the corner, pushed the 2 dressers together and placed the other bed on top of the dressers, making a top bunk. this gives you alot more floor space that you can throw a cheap carpet on. Then we took one closet door off its hinges and put it on a couple of boxes on the floor and made it into a coffee table. Its great to be able to go right into the bathroom/shower without walking down the hall.
My little sis is going to be a soph next year. She got lucky enough to get one of the new apartments being built next to KS. Look pretty nice.
I lived in Kirby my freshman yr (2 yrs ago), and it wasnt all that bad. Do take the advice and dont touch the walls in the elevator, even though they have 3 high speed ones. All in all, it was not that bad
Talk about memories I lived in North Stadium in a 4 man room with 3 other people I had never met. One was a druggie, another a homo, and the 3rd was a regular guy like me. The next semester I moved into a single room in North Stadium. While I was there the guy that is always rallying support for the Tiger Baseball team behind 3rd base in the grandstand was on my floor. Those were the days, you could get into any LSU athletic event by showing your LSU ID, the downside was that often we had to wait: in line at 12 noon for a 7:30 pm football game, 12 noon or earlier for a basketball game. I remember for Kentucky in Bball one year the line stretched completely around the PMAC and down the street to Nicholson, the year Kyle Macy beat us last second I think. Those were the days.