I used to cook gumbo for my choir back in Texas. To this day, when they know I'm coming, they ask for gumbo. Damn city folks have no idea how many squirrels from my pecan orchard neighborhood that they ate.
Kinda half assin it with my setup since I cooked em in the pressure cooker first all I'm doing really is cooking down the gravy but it's simmering nicely so it'll be ok.
Nah it's just sittin on the coals. I usually either hang it or put it over a grate but like I said kinda half assed it. Couldn't find my freaking other lid either that one can't put coals on but it was fine. Actually can honestly say that was prob the best squirrels I've ever had. Got a little video of them simmering but can't figure out how to post it. Done got a little to deep in the apple shine
You answered all the questions that were running through my mind. I was wondering if it didn't smother out the coals. I have one with a lid that has a lip for coals on top but I've never put any on top. Gets plenty heat over the fire and I never wanted to risk ashes getting in contents when I open to check water, etc.
Nah you ain't smotherin those red oak coals. I let it sit there for 3 hours and it just stayed a hard simmer all the way. Never added a coal to it. I'm not happy about my good lid missing. I have 3 pots like that here, plus a couple at the 2 camps, but somehow only 1 has the good lid both the other ones have just the regular lid no lip. Both camp pots have good lids. My main concern with setting pot right on coals is possibly scorching it but just a stir every once in a while stops that. Only reason for the coals on top really is when you doin like a cornbread or a cobbler or something that would cook in an oven so you get more even heat top and bottom. Just doin a stew or something you would normally do on the stove top def not necessary.
I like the handle on that pot. I've never seen any with that. What brand is it? I used to go to this farmers' market on Saturdays and would often see cast iron pots run through there. Every now and then a Griswold would come through. People go nuts on them. Not saying they're not worth it, just never tempted me to spend 5X the money for one. Picked up several skillets over the years and would re-season them. Did it to give to my daughters but with the next generation I think they'll forgo the upkeep and just buy the $30.00 ones and discard every 3 years or so. lol If they decide otherwise, I'll have them for 'em.