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Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by MiketheTiger69, May 15, 2004.

  1. G_MAN113

    G_MAN113 Founding Member

    Nov 10, 2003
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    You don't know squat. I spent 8 years in uniform in the service of this country. Can you say the same?

    As paranoid as you sound about identity theft, it seems to me that you've
    got very little room to criticize those of us who want safeguards from more attacks on our own shores. You're just as afraid as anybody...the only difference is who you're afraid of. You aren't living any more free than anybody just like to think you are.
  2. MiketheTiger69

    MiketheTiger69 Founding Member

    Dec 10, 2003
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    Good for you , g-man and thank you for your service. You take my comment out of context as usual. What difference does it make if someone gives their life in the line of fire or if they give their life going on about the business of living their life in spite of the threat or possibility of terrorist attack? Yes, one is more likey to be harmed or die in the line of fire but the death or injury is the same and due to the same cause-action by an enemy. One doesn't necessarily have to wear a uniform or take up arms to fight for what one believes in.

    I refuse to allow myself to stop living my life or going about my business in a normal way just because of something that MAY happen. I accept the fact that I am going to die some day and it doesn't matter what I do outside of normal precautions and common sense to prevent it, it's going to happen whenever the Good Lord deems it my time to go. Take for instance the family killed in Colorado a couple of days ago. They lived in NYC and moved to Colo. after 9/11 to raise their family in a "safe place". Then they go and get killed by a falling bridge girder! When He says, "I want you", you're going and it doesn't matter where or under what circumstances it is.

    If we allow, by our actions, these cowards to make us change the way we live and make us live in fear and hate and cause us to deny others and ourselves our rights and freedoms that America stands for, then they don't have to kill us to win. They've already won by causing us to be more like them. Personally I don't want to be like them, not in anyway shape or form.

    I think there are ways we can prevent things from happening without going to the drastic and deadly measures we've gone to. I believe the BASIS of the Patriot Act is fine, but it has to be carefully used without the aura of paranoia and fear that exists now. I believe it fair to require ALL foreigners to be fingerprinted and to make the authorities aware of their movements or activities and can be done in a fair and non-prejudicial manner. But we still would not have eliminated the terrorist threat altogether. Even if we succeed in killing Osama and all his henchmen, we still won't have killed the IDEALS behind them and there will always be someone to take their place. I find it laughable that people such as you rail about Bill Clinton not taking action against Osama but W has been at it full force for going on three years now and is he any closer to getting him than Clinton was? Someone said that Clinton was offered Bin Laden three times and did nothing. Are you so naive as to think that would have stopped 9/11 if Clinton would have had him killed? How many Hamas leaders has Israel killed? Has it stopped them?

    Can you or others HONESTLY say that you think this war in Iraq has made you feel any safer or that you believe the Iraqi people are any closer to embracing Democracy as a form of government? I didn't say they weren't closer to Democracy, but closer to accepting it as their principal form of gov't? Of course not! The only way we're going to stop these countries from becoming Islamic states is to have them be like Egypt or Pakistan, limited dictatorships and that is certainly not our goal, is it?

    Just what exactly is our goal anyway? To protect us from terrorism? That can be done without sending a single soldier overseas by taking security measures here and in cooperation with other countries. Or is it nation building? We've seen what a failure that has been in the past with these countries. You can't compare these countries with Germany and Japan after WWII like someone did. As I believe you and others who agree with you (and myself) have stated, these people hate America and everything about it. Don't you think absurd the idea that they would embrace the very thing(s) they hate? So do we kll them all off? Sorry, but I don't think God has given any of us the right or power to do that.

    And I'm not paranoid about identity theft. I realize it is a possibility and I take reasonable steps to protect myself from it. But I don't go into a shell or constantly look over my shoulder at every person as a possible threat. I don't do business strictly in cash or not have bank acct's or whatever. But I know no matter what I do, if someone wants to steal my identity in this day and age, they will and there is not much I can do to stop it.

    And in answer to someone else's question, not that it's any of your business, but when I was a teenager I was falsely accused of trying to burn down a school. I happened to know and live by the boys who did it and they blamed me and another boy. After much trouble and money the truth came out but I was very close to going to reform school. So are you satisfied now?
  3. dallastigers

    dallastigers Founding Member

    Sep 2, 2002
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    I have not been able to be here that much lately, but I see the Patriot Act propaganda is alive and well. Below are some good articles. I think Meese's article in particular addresses a lot of the misconceptions (including the "shall" argument) about the Act. The others do as well and also point out some of the politics behind the attacks on the Act. It is not perfect, but our rights are NOT being taken away. We should be trying to quantify its effectiveness to see if changes need to be made to increase its effectiveness not playing scare tactics and politics with it.


    Peter King and Ed Koch

    another Heritage article

    Frontpage link

    Two parts of Meese's article. The numbers are foot notes on the actual website with article, which do not carry over to here. You will have to go there if you want to see those.
    From DECEMBER 2003
  4. G_MAN113

    G_MAN113 Founding Member

    Nov 10, 2003
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    Once again, perhaps it is YOUR communication skills that are lacking.
    Frankly, I don't see how it's possible to take this comment:

    "I hear you and others talk about our soldiers willing to give their lives in defense of our freedom. But obviously you're not."'

    out of context. I really don't.
  5. BengalBelle9119

    BengalBelle9119 Founding Member

    Sep 7, 2003
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    Consider it done Ricky! My nephew and his wife just left for training in Ft. Hood then on to Iraq. They leave behind a 6 month old baby.
  6. msully

    msully Founding Member

    Sep 21, 2002
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    What are you? Where are YOU from

    You are not responding as a follower of Christ .There is something else going on here !! Let me think about it , and I will get back.
  7. MiketheTiger69

    MiketheTiger69 Founding Member

    Dec 10, 2003
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    For Rickyd and BB9119, may God bless and protect those in your families that are going in harms way. May He also watch over those left behind so that you also may endure your hardship.

    Not to start an argument Rick, but I find this an odd request from a non-believer but I am glad to see it.

    And G_Man, do I have to explain EVERYTHING?? When I made that comment, I wasn't speaking of those in the military. I was speaking about people who were afraid to go on about living their lives in a normal way yet rail against the terrorists and expect the gov't. to protect them from every little thing while doing little or nothing themselves. OK?
  8. rickyd

    rickyd Founding Member

    Oct 27, 2003
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    Mike69, after all the religious discussions you and I have had on other threads , because I defended the Catholic Faith you see me as a non-believer?? SHEESH, I thought judgement day was still in the future, wasn't aware it had already arrived!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    But, appreciate your prayers still the same.. Thanks Rickyd
  9. JSracing

    JSracing Founding Member

    Nov 24, 2003
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  10. islstl

    islstl Playoff committee is a group of great football men Staff Member

    Nov 25, 2003
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    Mike, it sounds like you need to build you a bombshelter and buy about a 30 year supply of food and water.

    That's just the way you come off sounding.

    P.S. I also didn't realize Catholic = Non-Believer. Thanks for the heads up.

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