I can have faith that when I jump from a building I will fly. When I go *splat*, my faith will be proven wrong and science will have won the argument. Your right that people may never lose faith, but I do think that it's possible for science to prove it is illogical. Either way, I think this is way over all of our heads and all we can do is hope these "experts" know what the hell they are talking about.
Acutally, it's a good thing Tirk checks the lot of you langauge-butchers...somewhat disappointing though that he failed to see the symbolism of "I". On reflection he probably realizes his mistake, shooting from the hip.
but you can never make that same jump with god. There's no test to prove who's right in that context. With the biblical god, you could blow your brains out and see but there'd be no one to tell.
Frogleg just went into deep thought mode, usually common right before dinner time. Anyway, if scientist could map/monitor these other dimensions, they could possibly prove life after death. Some of our being probably exist in these other dimensions, that we cannot see. Now, after death, is there continuity with the rest of your being in these other dimensions. Does the entity continue as a unit, or scatter away so to speak. Fascinating...