You see what happens when let kids play on the computer!!! He obviously is just trying to pick a fight. No creditability, no class.
"All you nay-sayers will eat your words, I promise you this!!!" I wish I was as good at predicting the future as you are, Will. I don't know that I can measure up to you, but here's a try: Russell will have serious problems with Alabama's defense. Their line is good, their linebackers are better and their db's don't have to cover long because of the pressure they bring. Russell holds the ball too long, bad. Russell homes in on receivers, really bad. Russell throws high, behind receivers and releases late, worse. While his decision making is improving, he remains way too slow in making up his mind about where to go with the ball...that's why he homes in on receivers, holds the ball too long and throws late, high and behind receivers. This is his third year in the same system and he still does not have it down. This is not an encouraging fact. This observation is based on evidence, not wishful thinking. Now, just to let you know, I am not hating on Russell. I don't know him. I am sure he is a fine young man, but has not yet proven to me that he is the star everyone has tagged him as being. My real problem is with Miles and Fisher who set this guy up to fail when he wasn't prepared for the job. Russell is doing his best. The coaches aren't and that's a fact.
Agreed. That's the way he interpreted it... God.. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: No. One tool I believe he is missing (and this is NOT an endorsement or recommendation to start any other player in particular):
Creditability? Main Entry: cred·i·bil·i·ty Pronunciation: "kre-d&-'bi-l&-tE Function: noun 1 : the quality or power of inspiring belief <an account lacking in credibility> 2 : capacity for belief <strains her reader's credibility -- Times Literary Supplement>
I just "spilt" my Jack 'n coffee outta my Dale Earnhardt cup all over my Jeff Gordon joggin' shoes.:shock: