i agree also, i would not sell anything that is pirated, but if you go to flea markets in the hood, you can get a bootleg movie and not get in trouble because the bootleggers have a sticker on the movie that says, free movie with purchase of dvd case.
Pretty sure you can't pirate the experience of live performances. Unless I'm mistaken, the artist is typically paid for those. Even if these dudes didn't get any money from their CD sales period, they wouldn't really be just "scraping by" either.
Sure. You can read a book, play a CD, or even loan a CD or book. But to duplicate them is theft. Pure and simple. And illegal in all countries and all states.
It is not illegal to copy your MP3's and share them in Canada. There are similar laws in a bunch of countries. You just cant sell them.
i'm telling you the only people that give a damn are mega stars, record companies, and producers. record companies and producers are vampires so i really don't care about them, mega stars, i could give a damn about them either. Starving artists are the ones that create the great music, and they don't seem to care because at least their music is getting to the masses.
You are dreaming. Musicians, artists, and writers have to make a living and they do it from copyright royalties. It is as legitimate as trademarking an invention. You know little about the creative process if you imagine that editors, producers, publishers, and distributors are not legitimate parts of the business. I can see that you don't care about artists. But you are still breaking the law and stealing from them.
I never said they weren't legitimate parts of the business, but they aren't legitimate parts of the creative process. If you are a producer, or record company, you try to find the next big thing, and then exploit the hell out them, yeah you may throw a nice signing bonus in their face, but after you sign on the dotted line forget it, your soul belongs to them, and the majority of the money made from record sales goes to the record companies, not the artists. i will buy merchandise, and go to concerts and support bands, but i will not support record labels, and i refuse to buy a cd from an artist when i can just have a friend dub me a copy, from a copy he got from someone else and so on.
the RIAA has come out and clearly said that they believe even making archival copies is illegal. so i gather that taking a cd i buy and converting it to mp3 files on my computer or mp3 player is illegal. and making a copy of my kids little einsteins dvd because he will render it unreadable in 1 month---that's illegal too. theyve just gone way to far with this. what are guilty defendants having to pay?----$500k for 2CDs? they have gone way overboard.