States petition to secede from union

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Cajun Sensation, Nov 13, 2012.


    LSUMASTERMIND Founding Member

    ok, again, 3 million is big. and a lot more than the 1% you keep claiming
  2. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Yet the Dem's clean up 95% of a black vote based sound principles? Give me a phucking break.

    You sat there and said that they voted because the view is that republicans are "hostile" towards blacks. That is phucking stupid if you actually think the republican party is looking to be "hostile" towards blacks. Nothing more than Democrat spin. The stupid people ate that shit up.
  3. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Again, I didn't challenge "how they won".
  4. KyleK

    KyleK Who, me? Staff Member

    Have I not twice conceded your numbers to you? YOU ARE RIGHT!!!!!

    It was 3%. Again, not big. Just because it's 3 million, it is NOT big. It's 3%. If 100 people voted, you would not call the 3 person difference big. 3% is 3%.

    Can we move past this? Your guy still only got 50.6% of the vote. That is not a huge majority of the population. Move past the 3 million. Only half of the people who bothered to vote agreed with him. That's still barely a majority of the vote.

    My point, again, is that neither party is getting the voters excited. I would love to see a candidate come along that could get 110-130 million of the 207 million eligible people to vote for him/her. That would be a candidate with a message/platform that people are excited about.

    LSUMASTERMIND Founding Member

    Spin, lol ok.

    I have presented my evidence, if you dont agree with it fine. again, in the 1960's because of the southern strategy after the passing of the Civil Rights acts, republicans knew then they wouldnt get more than 10% of the black vote after this because of the opposition to the passing of that law. This has more to do with how blacks vote than anything and yes the hostility has continued for many years, thats my last time explaining this to you. here is more information on it.

    again, believe what you like.
  6. Contained Chaos

    Contained Chaos Don't we all?

    I was thinking to myself this morning how most people take for granted the difference between percentage points and percentage. A percentage point differential can often represent a much larger percentage differential. Given the popular vote totals posted earlier, Obama actually won by 5.88%, which is nearly double the "3%" people keep quoting.

    Anyway, carry on.
  7. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    I don't dispute racism in the PHUCKING 60's.

    I dispute it in the modern REAL TIME world....

    LSUMASTERMIND Founding Member

    50.6% is a majority, the key is to get a majority and 3 million is 3 million. so move past the 1% oh I mean 3%, oh I mean 1%.
    and none of your guys have gotten 110-130 million voters to vote for them, so I guess its only relevant in this election.

    LSUMASTERMIND Founding Member

    lol so racism doesn't exist anymore?
    no matter who its coming from black, white, spanish, it fucking exist.

    you are just disputing it doesnt exist in the republican party which again is stupid. It exist with democrats as well.
    red55 likes this.

    LSUMASTERMIND Founding Member

    thats still only 5.88% thats not that much, see I can move the goal post as well.

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