State legislators and the BCS National Championship

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Carface, Dec 12, 2007.

  1. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Not a nice thing to see but really a drop in the bucket compared to the corporate sponsors and the tickets they hand out to employees. A large part of the crowd there may not even be LSU fans or Louisiana residents. At least your politicians live there and are likely fans of the Tigers. Not to mention that the corporate folks will get the BEST seats in the house while most of the regular fans and season ticket holders will be in the corners and zones.
  2. LSUTiga

    LSUTiga TF Pubic Relations

    Maybe not when the get there but by the time they leave they will. :thumb:
  3. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    I have no doubt of that. :) Just wish I was one of them.
  4. goldengirlfan

    goldengirlfan simple man

    Back in the lean years when few wanted them (shows you where I was on the priority list), I regularly rec'd football and basketball tickets from my state senator. The basketball seats were okay, not choice, but the football tickets were west side, 45 yard line, about 20th row. Only time I've seen games in Tiger Stadium from that vantage point. I had no ethical problems with it at the time. :wink:
  5. Crystal_lsu

    Crystal_lsu Founding Member

    C'mon Tiga, it wouldnt be that bad!!! We would have Manic Monday, Tipsy Tuesday, Wacky Wednesday, Thirsty Thursday, and Freaky Friday!

    Also, I highly doubt the legislators are paying for these tickets. I am sure the good ole State of Louisiana is putting out the dough for these tickets.
  6. LSUTiga

    LSUTiga TF Pubic Relations

    At least they're not giving/selling them to opponent fans. :hihi:

    Oh, I'd vote for you- hell, tirk and I could be your campaign manager. I'd need a stack of $5.00 bills though, for when we haul absentee voters. :eek:
  7. poco

    poco Freshman

    The best part of the whole thing is that most of the legislators don't even go to the games. They sell the tickets to the highest bidder to make extra money.
  8. Crystal_lsu

    Crystal_lsu Founding Member

    In response to giving them to opposing fans, I am sure if the price is right, they dont give a damn who gets em.

    Concerning you and tirk being my campaign managers......well all i can say is that would be quite interesting.
  9. poco

    poco Freshman

    And this will be a real good Christmas for our lawmakers. They not only get tickets for the BCS Championship at face value but also to the Sugar Bowl which they are also selling to the highest bidder. I know of one legislator who was offerred $5000 for a pair of BCS tickets.
  10. furduknfish

    furduknfish #ohnowesuckagain

    If they weren't allotted some by the state, that would just be more graft for them to get from their bankrollers. I am sure that was the logic used to install this policy in the first place. Pick your poison...:cry:

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