If so, that's lazy writing. Say what you want about Abrams, but he is a Star Wars freak. He won't 'tarnish' the legacy by doing a rinse/repeat of what's already been done. I hope.
That was only because when Luke asked what was in there Yoda told him only what he takes with him. His fear caused him to see that, because fear leads to anger, and you know the rest. If you put the last 2 movies together this was a setup to Vader telling Luke he was his father and then at the end of Jedi after Luke takes Vader's hand off there is a moment when Luke's anger is controlling him, and he looks at Vader's handless arm, then looks at his own mechanical hand, and realizes he is becoming Vader, which was what the cave or area on Dagoba was prophesizing in the picture above. But Luke passed the test, he controlled it, and in that moment, Palpatine realized he wouldn't turn. But, everyone thinks the hero is Luke, I've always thought it was Vader/Anakin. Anakin is the one that brings balance to the force, so Qui Gon was right about him, everything Anakin did with turning to the dark side had to be done in order for him to turn good again.