Shepard fumbled. :cry: It was bound to happen with the way he carries the ball. That's an incredibly easy problem to fix though..
The should put some respect in Shep for SEC corners. Course Peterson is not just any corner, he was starting by the second half of his frosh season, and a star coming out of high school. Glad they had a good spring game. Now begins the long trek through the desert of the year, until the first of August when they open fall camp. I hope we don't hear any news, as it would likely be the kind we don't like at between now and Aug. 1. I'd like to win 3 games that got away last year, Arky, OM, Bama. Won't be easy, but we will have a better shot at it with a little more experience at QB, and scholarship type depth there also.
Just got home from eating after the game. It was pretty boring really except for the wow factor from Shep and getting to see that JJ has clearly taken over the team and it now fully belongs to him. Coleman to LB looks like a permanent thing and looks like the right move. Cutrera is probably lost his starting spot for now, because shepard moves inside when Coleman comes in. Molton looks pretty good, I could see him being pretty involved this year. I cant say anything for fact, but if one had only today to judge it by, I would say Shep is the #2 and Lee and Garrett were fighting it out for the 3 spot. Lee threw pretty good, but he hardly played. two series I think. The other three all played more than him. That's what I got off the top of my head. I'm sure I'll think of more later.
One more thing. Deangelo Peterson at tight end could be a beautiful thing. He stretches the field very nicely. He was wide ass open two different times 30 yards down the field but Lee didn't see him. To Lee's credit he completed about a 20 yard pass to Mitchell on one fo those.