Raylsu... My remarks to you were based on your knowledge, or lack there of, of Coach Saban's thoughts and whether or not he is CONTENT. Like you would know! If that makes me a Pollyanna, in your opinion, so be it. I can assure you that I don't need you to give me the defintion of a dictionary. How arrogant of you to assume I would need your assistance in any matter. My education has served me very well so far, and I don't see it faltering anytime soon. I have NEVER had this TYPE of discussion with any member of TF since I have become a member and I can assure you that all posts with you are OVER! It will be very interesting to see if you will return when Coach anounces that he is staying at LSU. I hope it makes your day!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Actually it was your whole post that makes you a pollyanna. I still am not convinced you know what it means. Next time don't tell me what I think. I made a statement that I don't think he is content at LSU. WTF...Do I need to post a disclaimer on the bottom of all posts stating "These are the opinions of RAYLSU"....This is a forum for stating said opinions. Don't jump on people's cases and you won't endure the wrath of those people. You replied to me with some BS post. If you don't want a resoponse, then don't respond to others...especially in an antagonistic manner. And where does your expert knowledge come from to rebute my statement? Maybe you had dinner with Saban yesterday? Ummm...doubtful. Or was it from his yard man whispering it softly in your ear as he gave you a reach-around? Ah yes, much more of a higher probability. :hihi: