That is easy to say but there are definite people who have connections to more inside info than the rest of us. Be it their job, who they live by, etc. Also these people often make predictions that are right more than wrong. That is how you learn who has good info and who doesn't.
Saban just talked to Gridiron members and said he has not made a decision. He loves it here but this is difficult career choice. My question is this. For a man so organized, on top of things, etc. how could he still not know what the hell he wants to do? It is not like this NFL possibility is something unexpected.
Wouldn't you think Saban had to make a great impression on WH to get offered the job? And wouldn't you think that WH would not formally present an offer unless he was sure Saban would accept?
Its a cinch then he is gone. Ramah said he is staying. then again, a blind squirrel is due to find a nut one day.
This is what Saban said after turning down the Bears job last year. "It comes down to this," said Saban, "Do you want to deal with a bunch of immature people or a bunch of college kids?" I sure hope he still feels that way.