Their GAY EAST COAST TUNNEL VISION LIBERAL CKSKNG AP voter Tim Layden has gone on record as saying USC gets #1 after a Rose Bowl win. "Nothing is ever absolute in these things, but I cannot imagine any scenario in which I would not vote U.S.C. No. 1 after winning the Rose Bowl," said one of the voters, Tim Layden of Sports Illustrated. "Michigan is a very strong opponent at this point — possibly stronger than L.S.U. or Oklahoma, despite the two early losses — and style points are insignificant in a game like that." BOYCOTT SPORTS ILLUSTRATED ... don't buy their crap ... cancel your scripts ... tell 'em if their arsehole AP voters cannot keep an open mind ... stick their business from LSU where the sun don't shine
I've been subscribing for like 10 years so if we win I'll just call and demand that they give me one. Get a customer service rep on the line and just raise hell until they relent. I figure 10 years is worth something.