Spin-off thread: Your Favorite Conspiracy Theories

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by LSUsupaFan, Sep 16, 2015.

  1. LSUsupaFan

    LSUsupaFan Founding Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    No it didn't. ANE was founded after the film was taken to exploit PAtterson's documentary.

    And based on good character witnesses it must be concluded to be of little value due to contradictory evidence.

    This is a giant logical fallacy. You are judging the merits of the film based on the merits of unrelated things.

    That is a reach. The 2nd geneation copy with the header and end card exist. If we required first generation evidence we would know very little of history. The burden is unreasonable.

    He claims Chambers made the suit. Chambers has maintained he could not have made a suit that good.

    QUOTE="red55, post: 1489198, member: 701"] I don't dismiss them. Neither do I conclude that they have proven Sasquatch exists. It wasn't really a scientific conclusion was it? It was a scientific speculation. They don't overtly claim that Sasquatch exists.[/QUOTE]

    Grover Krantz:

    • "I don't even call myself a believer." "It's not a belief." "I'm absolutely convinced the sasquatch exists," "The Bossburg tracks made me a believer, hoaxers would have to be smarter than me to have faked the bone-structure of the crippled tracks."

    Meldrum says he is "inclined to take the probability of sasquatch’s existence seriously" and "it is not hard to imagine its [gigantopithecus] survival into the present within remote habitats". He can't explain the total lack of gigantopithecus fossils, corpses, or even scat on this continent. Sasquatch apparently can't shit.

    Krantz did initially think the film was a hoax but after study but became convinced of authenticity after he studied it. He attempted to have multiple papers published, but journals refused to even review them because the subject matter was too outlandish.

    You realize in both links noone is considering their work. They are bashing them on the very notion that they would devout time to study sasquatch. They have been shut out without any consideration given to their actual work. Their would be a lot more merit to the criticism if someone would actually review their data.

    Remember that the mountain gorilla was considered a myth until 1910, and western scientist had known of the existence of lowland gorillas for a thousand years.
  2. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    What contradictory evidence? There are only conflicting accounts of his character and shadiness. Neither is evidence of Sasquatch. Buy shadiness is shadiness. We must keep it in mind. The question here is one of hoaxing.

    Which logical fallacy? I am not judging the merits of the film at all. I am pointing out the astonishing unlikelihood of finding Bigfoot the first time you rent a profession camera and go looking for him. And I am pointing out just how common hoaxing is with Bigfoot claims. We have reason to be skeptical in the total lack of evidence.

    Nonsense. The film is claimed to be genuine. People have written websites showing the alleged timeline problems and potential splices in it. The original film would not only be the only first-generation copy with maximum detail (conveniently lost in copying) and it would reveal any splicing that was done as well as any footage shot before and after the sighting, if any. He was supposedly to be out there filming a docudrama about an earlier Bigfoot sighting (amazing coincidence, eh?)

    More claims and counter claims, no bigfoot evidence here.

    OK, he is not a believer, but he is a believer. Changing his story. I am quite sure he is a believer. He offers no proof here. Only his belief that the tracks were not hoaxes. He suggests that someone like him could fake it.

    Journals routinely decline to publish scientific papers with inadequate science. This is quite a condemnation of the quality of this investigation. Krantz was a good anthropologist and was published when his work was good.

    Well, these are his colleagues. I tend to listen to them. I read the Meldrum article that is online. He does not claim that bigfoot exists. Be claims IF bigfoot exists he might be a descendant of gigantopithecus.

    Well, as soon as it was investigated, a ton of evidence emerged including live gorillas. Such is not the case with Sasquatch or any of his worldwide mythological cousins.
  3. HalloweenRun

    HalloweenRun Founding Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    I can remember sitting outside the gym, at junior high school (50 freaking years ago) arguing with guys about the TRI-LATERAL Commission, taking over the world. What a bunch of losers! Yeah, us!
  4. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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  5. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    Jun 8, 2008
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    What about 9-11 being an inside job? There are a lot of weird things that happened on that day that still really don't have answer. I'm not saying I'm convinced it was an inside job by the way.

    1. There are pilots that say it would have been impossible for guys with that little training to be able to perform the maneuvers in those planes.

    2. Why would the pentagon plane fly around the pentagon and crash into the west wing of the building when it could have just flown straight into east wing?

    3. Seems kind of convenient the west wing was under construction.

    4. Flight 77 turned completely around, how did they not know?

    There are a bunch of others that just seem strange.
  6. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    It is takeoffs and landing that are difficult and none of them had to do that. They didn't have to perform much maneuvering at all. Most pilots say that after that much time in a professional simulator, it is completely possible for them to do it.

    KSM told us that plane was supposed to hit the White House. But the White house is relatively small and hidden in big trees and the pilot could not locate it. The Pentagon is huge and impossible to miss. So he hit a target of opportunity.

    Seems kind of irrelevant.

    The passengers may have known but did nothing about it. Hijackings up to this point had been about securing hostages. There were only 30 minutes between the second plane hitting towers (when everyone realized it was terrorism, not an accident) and Flight 77 hitting the Pentagon. Maybe they didn't get the phone calls that Flight 93 did. They had a hour before they crashed.

    It's a strange world. How many of these strange things withstand scrutiny?
    Winston1 likes this.
  7. LSUsupaFan

    LSUsupaFan Founding Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    In a pretend world where any of these things have a chance in hell of being legit, 9/11 as an inside job is less likely than the one about the Jesuits sinking the Titanic.
  8. LSUsupaFan

    LSUsupaFan Founding Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    Do you remember the point you made? Good character witnesses are not proof that the subject of the film is genuine, but they do contradict a frequent point of those claiming it is a hoax.

    Classic appeal to probability.

    Some dude's blog isn't exactly a very good source. None of skeptioid's claims about the timeline are documented, and it is based on his standard of what a reasonable timeline should have been.

    Narrowing in on minutia. Just admit you were wrong in your assertion that Krantz reject the film's authenticity.

    They did not decline to publish it. They wouldn't even review it. There is a marked difference. Being shut down for bad science is one thing. Being shut out because of subject matter is another altogether.

    Again you ignore the point. You originally said his colleges criticize his work. You posted a blog demonstrating that his colleges criticize that he even studies bigfoot at all. There is not one claim by anyone that his work is no good, only that it is embarrassing that he does the work at all. In reality Meldrum is a fine scientist who was recently promoted from associate professor to full professor.

    Yes. Immediately, after about 300 years of reports and several failed expeditions.
  9. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    Jun 8, 2008
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    So a guy who only flew a crop duster would be able to turn a 747 around, come all the way back to Washington, then do another complete turn to run the plane right into the west wing of the pentagon? Why turn?
  10. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    And others do not contradict it all, so it is a wash, which is what I just said.

    Classic evasion. You ignore that the original film would reveal any attempts at splicing and that a first generation copy might reveal details that could corroborate or discredit the film. The missing original film is highly suspicious. Who would lose a valuable artifact like that if they seriously were trying to prove their point?

    No, its not good science, but you have none at all. It's an amateur sleuth's analysis of the film, but he at least documents his case. So you have nothing more tangible to dispute his evidence?

    No, you have to prove me wrong and you are whiffing badly and grasping at straws. I quoted Krantz directly, "it looked to me like someone wearing a gorilla suit". Then I pointed out the inconsistencies in his quotes that you posted. Just admit that he changed his story, made conflicting statements about his beliefs, and indicates that a smart person like him could fake it.

    Perhaps, you don't understand how scientific publishing works. People submit crackpot theories and pseudo science all the time. Who says it did not get reviewed? Did the journal say that? Got a source? Or is that just the embarrassed author's complaint? It really does not take much review to conclude that an article does not meet the rigorous standards of a refereed journal.

    The fact that Krantz could not get his work published in a scientific journal is a huge red flag that it does not make a scientific conclusion.

    Meldrum is a fine scientist whose bigfoot research is not particularly respected by his colleagues. If he ever came up with scientific proof that would all change. In the paper on tracks that he did get published, not is a refereed journal alas, he was very careful not to claim that Bigfoot exists without evidence. As I pointed out earlier, he merely notes that Gigantopithecus might make very similar tracks if there was any evidence that Gigantopithecus ever lived in North America (there is none) and if it could still be alive after 10 million years leaving not a single fossil. And there are critiques of Meldrum's conclusion's and Krantz' suggestions. Bigfoot is reported to be a swift, agile, upright walker—not a lumbering, 1,200-pound quadruped like Gigantopithecus.



    And after thousands of years of apeman sightings no evidence like that turned up about Mountain Gorillas has emerged. As soon as they got to the remote mountains they discovered the gorilla. Nobody seems to know the right mountain for Bigfoot for no evidence exists.

    If fact I can turn up no evidence whatsoever that mountain gorillas were reported for 300 years before a hunter shot one in 1902. Obviously africans had seen gorillas for millennia, but not until 1847 did a lowland gorilla skull ever confirm that the beast existed. That is about the time that European scientists first were able to get into deepest equatorial Africa. At which point they had no trouble finding evidence of them. That a subspecies existed in the remote mountains for another 55 years is not surprising. The point being that as soon as modern scientists could visit the regions where gorillas exist they immediately discovered them. Scientists have traveled all over the world going to reported Yeti/Sasquatch/Bigfoot areas and have turned up absolutely zilch.

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