Do you know how many times scuffles break out between players on the same team? I think the situation was handled pretty well. GMan, I can't stand Brady and I don't like Jaime that much either, but I still feel that Brady made the correct decision in that instance.
I thought he should have been kicked off of the team. Allowing Jaime to stay on the team set the team up for disrespect of the coach. While he indeed was probably the best player on our team, Brady couldn't afford to allow him to be the cancer that he was. As it was, our team depended on him to run our offense throughout the season, and once he got hurt and quit, the results of that showed. Had he been kicked off of the team in the beginning, I believe we would have seen a much better LSU team than we saw.
Jaime is not the reason the players have no respect for Brady. Had Jaime been kicked off the team we might have only won 2 SEC games the entire season.
I disagree. You don't think that allowing the CANCER to stay on the team undermined his authority? What are your reasons? :lsup:
Not only did Ford threaten the official during a game, therby being sent to the bench, but he waited until the game was over and tried to attack the officials again. Brady made the correct decison on Ford, IMO. If we are going to kick plyers like Lloreda off the team for fighting, be ready to start the football season short handed. There are numerous fights each training camp that could result in broken bones.
We should be happy that Brady didn't sign Ford. The last thing we want is LSU to become Thug U like the Canes. Lloreda was a thug and I'm hoping Brady and the fans have learned a lesson. Not only can you not win with thugs but you can't count on them either. I'm not sure I believe the comment about players fighting in training camp much less broken bones? Under Dinardo maybe? I don't think Nick Saban would put up with that, seems like thats the type of team that would be me only and not play as a team. Thugs should get kicked off the team, There is a difference between a little brawl amongst people versus breaking bones I believe.
Exactly. However, and I must say is unfortunate that the game was officiated in the racist manner that it was officiated in, and if I was in Ford's shoes, you bet I would have gotten upset.... But it isn't worth throwing away a D-1 scholarship for.