Speaking of Taxes.

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by LSUpride123, Aug 6, 2016.

  1. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    You know you're almost right.....missed it by that much (Max Smart). First people aren't stupid, they're uneducated and therefore ignorant. Second there is blame enough to go around for the state of our educational system as you so obviously demonstrate. However IMO the lion'sshare goes to the democrats and teachers unions who seem to worry more about preserving jobs of incompetents (apologies @Stacy) and keeping democrats in power rather than education.
    Yes too many look back to low level/wage jobs but they and their unions also support Bernie and HRC.
    Finally education and local economics are state issues. Again competition for students and $$$ is more likely to raise standards and quality than a one size fits all bureaucracy. One of the largest inhibitors of educational development is the federal government. It gets too deep into the weeds and offers no real leadership. If you like Obamacare you'll love federal education.
  2. gumborue

    gumborue Throwin Ched

    Dec 17, 2003
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    Stupid has a better affect.

    I love obamacare. Wish all the states would participate and help its poor.

    Love unions role in fighting for workers rights (we all benefit from past fights) but hate their role in keeping poor workers. Bad teachers should be fired.

    School funding should not be tied to property values. It is disgusting and classist.

    Btw, the real blame for losing us manufacturing goes to Americans. Don't put enough value in buying American, period. Some places love their countries enough to sacrifice for their industries. We don't, unless a prez forces us to pay taxes to bail one out.
  3. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    God you're proof of the poor state of our education system. First get a thesaurus and correct your grammar. Second if you want to help the poor with healthcare then Obamacare is the last place to look. It did NOTHING to help the poor or reduce healthcare costs. It is the refinement of crony capitalism. It was a deal between big insurance, big pharma and big hospitals and BIG GOVERNMENT. Try to read something other than democrat talking points.....like real economic analysis. If state government participate it would create the largest unfounded liability in government in a few years. If you want to help the poor try again.
    Third, yes unions were needed and important in our economic development in the past. However the last 50+ years they have done little to help us prepare for the enormous changes and seem more interested in protecting their position than improving their members' lot.
    Property taxes are a progressive tax that should help the poorer areas get funding. Who doesn't pay property taxes? Renters, in Louisiana owners of lower priced homes are beneficiaries of the property tax system. Electing school board members who are responsive is the better answer.
    Your last point isn't worth answering.
    LSUpride123 likes this.
  4. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    What a load of shit. I can promise you this, if it was more profitable to manufacture in the US, it wouldn't have left. We taxed them to death. We have a overly complicated tax system on top of very high rates globally.

    But sure, only basket weaving jobs left.

    Companies create skill. I know this concept might have missed you, but profits are what drive business. Companies will create a skilled labor force if it increases their bottom line.

    We aren't sending jobs to India and China for their highly skilled workers.

    Take Engineers for example, sure they go get their degree and can fill an Engineering slot, but majority of thier skill comes from on the job training/projects.

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