Soviet Union survivor: President spits in face of every U.S. citizen

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by saltyone, Apr 12, 2009.


    PURPLE TIGER HOPE is not a strategy!

    Nov 2, 2006
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    395 As I said before, I thought the last election was the lesser of two evils. I don't think we've had a quality presidential choice since Ronald Reagan.

    Maybe you missed it but I voted for Bill Clinton. After a month or so in office, I realized I had made a mistake...but even so I voted for a Democrat. I used to do it quite regularly. Since then I think both parties have gotten WAY off track but I believe the Democrats have the greater potential to destroy this country. That's why I lean more Republican now.

    We give way too much credit to both parties. We should run 90% of these clowns out of office. I just think that the biggest clowns right now happen to be Democrats. Even many Democrats are starting to realize that Pelosi, Reid, and Frank were horrible choices and are leading this country straight down the tubes.

    I enjoy firing up you Democrits! If you're going to tax me to death, I might as well have a little fun along the way. :hihi:

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