LSU is recognized by to have won numerous national rankings and championships awarded by post season polls...12 to be exact... USC actually is recognized by 4... In the I-AA section...Southern is not recognized...Anywhere...No mention of the Sheridan Poll is mentioned...Nowhere. Zilch. Zero. Nada. So, how is Southern on the same level of a USC, again? They don't even have the Sheridan Poll listed as a legitimate poll on any level, according to their own site... So the body that sanctions, governs, punishes, and regulates their own sport not only doesn't recognize the championship that you say they won, they don't even MENTION it? How legitimate is it? Answer it for yourself...You sure do love fighting tarbabies, don't you, martin? Keep flailing at this windmill, and rest safe that your intellect far usurps anything that my grudge driven, mental jealousy powered mind can muster up against yours, Obi-Wan...
Someone just show me where it's mentioned on Real simple...Hell, they mention Eck, Berryman, DeVold, FACT, Dunkel, Massey, Colley Matrix, NY Times, FB News, Seattle Times...Surely the Sheridan Broadcasting Network's poll MUST be mentioned somewhere, right? I'm no bigot, but I'm just making a point...Seriously...Where does the NCAA recognize this poll, as it recognizes other polls very plainly? Can someone please give me a valid answer as to why? What makes the Eck poll valid enough to mention on their site, while the SBN poll isn't?
it doesnt look like you are going to understand. i am sorry i couldnt explain it better. i thought you would see that southern is not claiming to be NCAA champs, but only the champs amongst their peers, as determined by the sheridan poll. maybe bengal b can help. yunno he is an iron chef!
The City of Baton Rouge recognized Southern as the Black National Champs by honoring them equally with a joint parade along with LSU. Maybe LSU and Southern are both the City of Baton Rouge National Champions. Does anybody know if the City of Los Angeles had a parade for USC?
San Francisco had a parade for USC ... Trev Alberts and Pete Carroll were the Queens
Martin, BB, remember what my mother told you about getting into a battle of wits with an unarmed person? Unlike USuCk, at no time or place has Southern ever made the claim to be the equal of LSU or any other NCAA recognized champion. It's only claim is to be the champion of a historical opinion poll of programs in it's historical genre. Anybody who thinks and argues otherwise is doing so only to hear themselves rant. Geaux Jags!! :helmet: :lsug: :geaux: :champs: :helmet: :lsug: :geaux: :champs:
The main reason neither school participates in the I-AA playoffs is that the playoffs normally begin the weekend after Thanksgiving, traditionally the same weekend the Bayou Classic is played. There has been talk of moving the game to a different weekend, but in my opinion the weekend after Thanksgiving has always been the best choice for several reasons: 1) that weekend is a big travel and vacation weekend which draws many people to N.O. and with classes being out the schools can also have other large events that weekend including a very large career and job expo, the battle of the bands, and a Greek show, 2) it is very easy to get a national football TV audience on that Sat b/c a lot of teams are finished playing (including LSU which for the last few years has played Ark on Fri), 3) both schools make a large amount of money off this game, I think both schools could handle the expenses of participation in the playoffs, but not at the expense of not playing the Classic that weekend, and 4) black college football is about the whole event, not just the game. Every school in the SWAC plays in at least one “classic” game each year, and most teams play in 2 or 3. I know this doesn’t make the football better, but it does allow for more events to take place which helps the school to raise money and also allows the fans to have a great time the whole weekend. Right now SU and Gram have the best one going, why would they want to give that up? I can't figure out why people here are getting upset. Southern had a great season, and they did what they needed to do to win this title. Can’t we just be happy with that?
Coming from Miss. I know about riding a horse to death. You can argue one championship against another all day long. You can argue "Ebony" magazine against "Ivory" magazine. You can argue Miss America vs Miss BLACK America. You will not solve the problems. You will only make enemies and hurt other people's feelings leading to more animosity. This is probably the only thread posted on this board that I don't intend to finish reading. Let it go before you insult some young recruit that may one day have considered LSU.