If he is black... then he is no less out of bounds with his comments. I simply stated the obvious fact that the comments come across as having seriously negative racial overtones. You are correct in assuming that if a seriously misguided (or maybe very clever, if it was a joke) African-American wrote the post, then it would be difficult to assign the generally accepted definition of "bigoted" to his comments. It would, however, make the comments no less inappropriate.
This thread serves no positive purpose and no matter who is right and who is wrong the thread and arguments could be taken the wrong way by potential recruits that may visit this board. Please let the thread die a quiet and quick death. :geaux: :lsug: :champs:
i understand where you are coming from, but i think its a bit nitpicky. they should just do a better job of qualifying their claim, for instance calling themselves the "heritage bowl group" champions or something. its silly to say "black national champions", but i dont think they are trying to trick anyone into believing they won something they didnt. (LIKE THOSE PUNKASS TROJANS!) i dont mind. i figure they are legit champs amongst the teams they consider rivals for the poorly named black championship. go jags! :champs:
Which comment did you feel was 'inappropriate'?? I was not trying to make this a race thing. In my opinion it was more about a team who hasn't won the sanctioned title for their divison calling themselves the national champion. At one time in history it might have been appropriate to have a "Black National Chmpion" because blacks were not allowed to attend NCAA schools. But I have to agree with martin that it'd be more appropriate to call it something else.
YES...FINALLY THE VOICE OF REASON. As if talkin about it is gonna change Southern's decision to name themselves as such.....
Your ignorance rears its ugly head again... First off, the Heritage Bowl is no longer played. There is no post season bowl between MEAC Champs and the SWAC Champs anymore. Period. The winner of the Sheridan Poll is the winner of the BNC. It's an arbitrary decision landed upon by the Sheridan Poll, not anyone else. Southern-on the other hand-does not have a group of colleges that define exactly how a champion will be crowned. It's an inexact group of "black college football writer/reporters/commentators" who vote on the poll in much the same way as the Coach's poll or the Associated Press Poll. In other words, its a totally subjective, arbitrary decision that a group of inherently biased individuals come to through a very inexact method. The decision is not made on the field. It's not via some "formula" or a mixture or blend of on field performances, etc... It's on the same level as USC. It's a media poll, whereby its a popularity poll for the most part. As for why they don't participate, Grambling and Southern make so much money off of the Bayou Classic that when they moved up the I-AA playoffs, the NCAA gave them a mandate-either choose to participate in the Bayou Classic, and forget about the I-AA's, or participate in the on the field championship and forget about the Bayou Classic. In the past, teams could do both, though Southern never has, from what I remember. I do recall that Grambling went into the playoffs one time, and lost out in the 2nd round if I remember correctly. They have too much cash in the Bayou Classic. It pays for their AD Budget, and the playoffs and the travel money it would cost are just too much of a drain...
AMEN, BROTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What hypocrisy to talk about equality out of one side of your mouth and have the gall to "Black national championships" or "Black Miss Americas", etc. You can't have it both ways people. I fully support equal access and equal opportunity for all regardless of your race, religion or nationality. Equal means a level playing field, not this artificial bull$hit that the politically correct *********s are trying to cram down everybody's throat. If you want equality of outcome rather than equality of opportunity, then 3/4 of the NFL & the NBA would lose their jobs based on racial population percentages. I don't think any fair-minded person would advocate that. But that's what they're saying when they artificially lower the bar for some because their Great-Great-Great Grandfather was severely mistreated. I support Southern U and the good things they have done but if they're national champs at anything in football then I'm the 100 meter Olympic champion even though I have two bad knees. What happened to truth? May the best man or team win--period!!! :champs:
Lighten up guys. Southern would have no chance of winning the D1A national championship but they were the best team within the group of historically black colleges and they won their black NC fair and square under the agreed upon rules for the title as awarded by the Sheridan Poll. Of course its a fact that Southern and maybe some of the other black colleges in the past have had a few white players.
it is subjective, but nevertheless legit, as long as it is agreed to in advance. incorrect. it isnt the same. USC would be the legit champions if the "popularity poll" was agreed upon beforehand as determing the champ, like the black colleges have done. southern's championship is legit, because they worked with the system they agreed to, whereas USC's is not, because they are claiming a championship when it is clear to anyone with a brain that they agreed to be part of the BCS, which they did not win, and therefore are NOT champs.