great episode - I just hate that they had to wrap things up so quickly like that. very Malcom X-esq of Tony to be looking out his window with a rifle.....
I don't see how they could have a movie if anyone dies in the next episode. If the movie rumor turns out to be true, I think they will have to either have Paulie turn on Tony but miss the hit, or have Tony turn rat. The movie plot could be Tony/Silv vs Phil/Paulie, or Tony trying to get his revenge from witness protection and Phil trying to find Tony. Of course, there may not even be a movie and I am probably completely off. Just hope they is some closure in the final episode, can't wait.
i rewinded my dvr when that shot came up, just to make sure. i kinda wished the rope around AJ's leg was a little shorter a couple of weeks ago.
Little Carmine is going to throw in with Tony to become the New York don. Phil is history. AJ gets whacked. Paulie doesn't survive the war but whacks Phil. Tony rules in Jersey, Little Carmine in New York. Carmela runs away with Furio.
That is pretty close to what I think is going to happen. Carmine will side with Tony like always and he will throw some kind of wrench into the NY crew. A few were skeptical of Phil's motives. Since Tony will not be able to find him, someone in the NY crew will take Phil out. Something is still up with Paulie. NY didnt want to take him out even though he is technically an underboss. Maybe he is playing both sides. I know he isnt with the feds because he refused to play the role of a rat when he originally signed on to play a part in the Sopranos. Paulie could just be battling between fear of Tony or loyalty. I think loyalty will prevail. I have no clue about AJ, maybe he goes to the Army or Tony just keeps beating the crap out of him.:hihi:
Maybe Meadow realizes that she can help people out like her old roommate and AJ and becomes a therapist.
Just watched Sunday's episode again. Paulie is definitely gonna flip to New York. He's the one that was responsible for orchestrating the "cousins" from Italy to whack Leotardo. They missed their target...thanks to Paulie. I think Patsy Parisi was in on it too. They discussed the bulk of the plan in the restroom at the Bing. Remember, Parisi didn't get shot and ran off. There's a good chance that Tony's fate is in the hands of Paulie.
Who is more likely to get whacked in Sunday's Sopranos finale? Cast your vote: I haven't watched one single episode but thought you all may be interested in it. :thumb: