I also wondered about the significance of Tony taking a peek at Chris's widow breast feeding and I recalled the Italy trip with the nuture scene and how it related to Tony wanting to protect his family and how he longed for that kind of care from Livia. Tony also had that fantasy with the neighbors guest who didnt speak english and how it tied in the same emotions from the Italy trip. But maybe it was just a reference to the baby car seat.
No way was Tony calling 911 and taking a gamble with the drughead. [MEDIA]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b947gNzjgsg[/MEDIA]
you guys are looking way too deep imo.. they got in a wreck and tony put chris out of his misery. he was gasping for air and caughing up blood, he'd be dead anyway within minutes.... with or without an ambulance.
Not true, even the doctor said others have lived through the same. The airbags actually saved his life. The whole episode was how Tony changed his luck after killing Chris. Tony did not want Chris to cause more problems for him and that is why he started to dial 911 and decided against it. Did you watch the whole episode and the rest of the season or just the clip?
lol, i've watched every episode.. he was toast.. went from a talk to a whisper once the blood came pouring out his mouth.. of course tony was relieved but come on, he could've whacked chistopher whenever he wanted....... a. he put christopher out of his misery b. he was relieved that it was over and one less possible rat.. nothing more/nothing less
So the doctors saying that others have lived through the same means nothing? Tony knew he had a chance at living given he was attended to becaue it takes time for lungs to fill up with blood. Why would Tony take a chance at killing him if he knew he was going to die anyway? Doesnt add up, IMO. Sure he could have killed him anytime he wanted but he didnt, the same way he didnt kill Paulie. Tony knew that was a mistake after and he wasnt going to take a chance a second time and the opportunity for no backlash from others in his crew was an added benefit. Junior told Tony before the intervention that the only thing to do with a drug addict is to put him out of his misery.
"Christopher" will be on letterman tonight. I have to avoid reading this thread since I dont have HBO right now and cant figure out how to download the episodes. Of course, i did see what happened to Christopher last week.
I was working out this morning and Comfortably Numb came on my Ipod.....coincidence? I think not - that was my Tony moment
Not really. He has already whacked several of his crew--Ralphie, Tony Blundetto, Big Pussy, Patsie Parisi's brother, . . . another hit on his own capo would make for some dissidence in the ranks. No to mention the effect on Carmela and the family and bringing up the Adrianna thing again. No, Tony whacked Christofuh and made it look lke an accident and he came out smelling like a rose. No more threat of a junkie talking to the FBI.