The "clear?", as in 'Got it?', is what I refer to as a threat. I said "not with physical harm", but to me, that's a threatening tone. He's just bullying the poster with his mighty administrator title.:shock:
Earle, unfortunately, is one of the thinnest-skinned, trigger-fingered, overbearing, and intolerant administrators I have ever encountered. Fortunately, TideFans also has Terry and BayouTider who are among the most even-tempered, well-informed, and likeable administrators among all the SEC boards that I visit. It's a great site to get SEC information. No site is perfect. We have a moderator who is needlessly rough on guests, too.
How do you mods have all this time to go to other sites? Shouldn't you be modding here or something? **I can understand Satan having supernatural's the rest of you that I worry about.**
Here's the link: Fishhead is accurate in what he said, and I infer the same meaning from it.....sounds dictatorial, egocentric, and militaristic to me. Your fellow administrator sounds like a dick and that's no BS pal.
Just call 'em like I see 'em. Didn't say anything about Bayoutider or anyone else, just noticed the incident I referenced. I stand by my opinion of it. I thought it was ridiculous, and I haven't noticed any bullying of posters here for simple disagreements. I have seen people intentionally provoking others be "disciplined", but this guy was not provoking anyone. This is more about my appreciation for this site, BTW. I could care less about what they do on Tidefans. After they get "coach only money can buy", I won't have any reason to visit their site.
It ain't like I spend a lot of time there, but there are a few sites that I check on once every day because breaking SEC news breaks there early. Swamp Gas, and TideFans are great places to lurk for SEC info.
red, I think it was said tongue in cheek but you all do a good job here and you know you don't have to explain your actions to us or give us minutes.