How about instead of 24 hours, you wait till the season is over, you may end up looking dumber than you did when you posted the last time.
Instead of calling him dumb why don't you give him props for at least coming in and saying he was incorrect. Just because he doesn't share your optimism about this team or opinion on smoke doesn't mean he's stupid. We are all tiger fans here no need to flame each other. Save that for Ole Miss. lefire: lefire: Don't worry Blaine you weren't the only one who was frustrated after another Friday loss. I'm ok with 2 out of 3 on SEC weekends but the this teams inability to win the first game has me a little worried about how they'll perform in the tournaments. Even though the new CWS regional and tourney formats make it easier to get out of the losers bracket I think everyone can agree that it's a much harder path to take.
Yes the NC has ruined the average LSU fan as we saw vividly during the basketball season. Now the cup runneth into the baseball season. This one is the favorite line: (insert any current coach) "I just don't think he has what it takes to get us to that NEXT level." "I think we will only win one or 2 games in the tournament but this team isn't consistent enough to win it all." 4th in the country and we have underachieved and many feel this way. And someone said let the pitcher work the rust off in practice? Are you serious? Everyone is entitled to their opinions but should preface it by saying they're totally and unequivocally not qualified on any level in the area in which you are offering.
You give yourself some good advice. I disagree that we underachieved, however. Perhaps your expectations were too high. I too thought we had a lock for the CWS, but that was hoping that Lane Mestepay would return to 2001 form and that we'd get consistent starting pitching. All of our pitchers have looked good at one point or another but all have also had rough periods. I liked what I saw from Determan on Sunday but I am very nervous about Meier starting the Wednesday game vs. Florida. Nervous, but not questioning Smoke. Anyway, we are #4 in the country in rankings and rpi and in line for a SR host spot. That IS making a run at Omaha.
LSU should be ranked #1 and Im still looking for answers how we didnt win one v Arkansas in OUR STADIUM. LSU should be #1 due to all this talent and a CWS title or nothing less or they are failures. Then we can fire Smoke as many have noted.
Heck, yeah, we underachieved SO FAR! You are partially right, we were expected to win the SEC and we didn't. So, let's just suck it up and OVER achieve from here on out! Now PLEASE edit the thread title. Only you can do it.
My attitude is that I'm not a Baseball Genius. I want to support our coaches, including Smoke. There might be times when I want to be critical and questioning, but I should remain supportive. If this is Smoke's 3d year, then we can't say "Smoke must go" until he's had another 2 seasons. Even then, you can't make a coaching change unless you are quite sure that you can get a better coach. I can't say that I now have complete confidence in Smoke, however. CNS is the only LSU coach that I've had complete confidence in since Skip. I have heard that our pitiching is not improving under the current pitching coach, Sabanfan. What do you think of our pitching coaching?
But our pitching is improving. Look at Determan's effort yesterday. Faircloth has been solid his last few outings. Mestepay looks like he's ready to give us a solid 7 or 8. Bumstead had a 2 game slide but he's been solid all year. Dirks is a freshman. I thought he looked real good after the shaky first couple of innings, but this experience will pay huge dividends next year. Meier is the wild card. He started out fine but got inconsistent. Is it confidence? Mechanics? Injury? I don't know. But I bet our coaches do and they'll do what they feel is necessary. Since Smoke says he's starting Justin on Wednesday, I'd say he's all right. If we can get a win in game one, we're in good shape. If we drop into the losers bracket, those innings that Bonura, Smith and others got late in games may pay off. You say our pitching is not improving. From when? Pre conference? We've won all but one series. The Friday losses were by different pitchers all year long. And the rest of the staff nutted up when the going got tough. So, to answer your question, I don't have a problem with the pitching coach.