Some New Orleans "thugs" left in the city brain dead

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Sourdoughman, Sep 1, 2005.

  1. clair

    clair Rockets

    Dec 23, 2004
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    I agree 100% SF, but that don't mean I will root against her because I don't think she can od the job...

    If LSU played the Colts, I dont THINK they could win, but I'll still root for em! :), and it seems like here the people who didn't vote for Blanco, are pulling against her just to make themselves seem right.
  2. TerryP

    TerryP Founding Member

    Oct 30, 2002
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    I live in Charleston and with this city dealing with Hugo I can identify, not wholly by any means, but identify with what the situation is like after a major hurricane demolishes a city. That being said, there has been quite a bit of coverage in this area of the damage and conditions in NO since this community lived through times like this one.

    The Mayor here was also the Mayor at the time of Hugo. Democrat (not that it matters one way or another)...anyway, he made a oath when this area received the help it did that if any city dealt with a major storm the Lowcountry communties would help in any way possible. Nightly, there have been "telethons" raising money for relief, 100's of volunteer firefighters, EMS personel, Police, Dr.' name it have left this area headed for the Gulf Coast.

    All that being said, there is a general opinion voiced around these parts that isn't very complimentary towards the Gov. of Louisiana. It's biased, I'm sure...but it's also based on the TV/News airplay she's receiving all over the nation that makes her appear indecisive. It's not the best comparison to make, I know, but the majority of the comments have, "Look at Guilliani with 9-11 and compare it to...."

    By no means am I being critical of what decisions and actions your govenor has taken during this crucial week. But, I do think it is important to realize how she is being portrayed to the nation.

    Thoughts and prayers are with you....

  3. shaqazoolu

    shaqazoolu Concentrated Awesome

    Sep 6, 2003
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    I don't mean to egg on a political discussion in a thread that is completely unrelated in the wrong forum but....

    I have to agree with this. After seeing press conference after conference with her, she just seems.....bewildered, I guess. The mayor of NO seems to have a better plan than Blanco does. After watching him in an interview so does Jindal. No human can possibly be blamed for what happened regardless of political affiliation but what happens next is largely dependent on human ability. I will not root for either side to handle it better than the other because as long as these people get taken care of I am happy regardless of who takes care of them.
  4. homertiger

    homertiger Founding Member

    Jan 2, 2005
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    this is more like it! FINALLY![​IMG]
  5. Dutchtown tiger

    Dutchtown tiger Founding Member

    Nov 4, 2003
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    Blanco seems to be a very weak gov during this time of need unlike Rudy G. The little scene at yesterdays press conference was a little uncalled for.
  6. clair

    clair Rockets

    Dec 23, 2004
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    now THAT makes me smile!
  7. LStUdent

    LStUdent Founding Member

    Sep 18, 2003
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    Blaming the situation on Blanco is ridiculous. She might not be running the situation as well as possible, I don't know, but what exactly does everyone here slamming her for her lack of leadership expect her to do. She was working with the limited resourses of the state of Louisiana. A disaster of this magnitude has needs a massive reaction from the federal government. The fact is, that help was far too sluggish. We're only now getting signifcant help from the feds 3 days later.

    Everyone knew this was going to happen eventually and there was obviously no federal preparedness for a rapid response. To lay the blame on Bush is also ridiculous. To expect the president to micro manage a response plan for a hurricane hitting one city is absurd. The blame is to be placed on the federal gov't for their failure to provide the VERY thing that they exist for.
  8. JayB

    JayB Never Forget 31

    Jan 18, 2005
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    I do, and like many said I think his being from the south is immense in terms of help we will receive. I may not agree on Bush's foreign policy, but he is a damn GREAT leader when caos and distress hit our homeland... for that ONE reason I give Mr. Bush two :thumb:s up
  9. saltyone

    saltyone So Mote It Be

    Dec 21, 2004
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    Damn JayB. I can't figure you out. In one thread I would slap you if we were in the same room. On another, like this one, I'd shake your hand. Your a strange character indeed. :hihi:
  10. JayB

    JayB Never Forget 31

    Jan 18, 2005
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    Man, many people would like to label me a liberal based SOLEY on the fact that I am truly bipartistan. Just because I'm not die-hard republican doesn't mean I stand for all of this non-sense liberal crap.

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