To even suggest that the site of so many great moments in LSU athletic history should be relegated to the role of a parking garage, is just short of blasphemous.
Alex Box Instead of building a new ballpark and bulldozing the memories and legends of Alex Box, I think that they should build an upper deck onto Alex Box Stadium. You could even extend the grandstand to go down the 1st and 3rd baselines and upper deck those areas when needed. :lsup: :tigbas: :geaux:
OR we culd take down the west side upper deck off of tiger stadium, move it across the road and plant that bitch in the outfield where all the metal bleachers are :hihi:
Agreed, it would be terrible for them to reduce Alex Box to some other renovation for the football team. 5 national championships > 2 national championships. Don't get me wrong, I love LSU football, but it seems that if they want to give our championship baseball team a new stadium, they need to cool it down over at Death Valley for a bit
LSU Baseball deserves a brand new, top of the line facility ... which will be funded by the football program! It's not about championships, it's about who pays the bills at LSU!
IHOP It does look like IHOP. I like the new pictures outside ALexBox really cool. I'm sure if Skip's behind it it'll be great. I'd like to see us with a world class stadium but unique. I don't care for the cookie cutter type stadiums. Maybe they can add a "welcome to Death Box" just like our "Welcome to Death Valley" at Tiger Stadium.