Smokescreen to cover a poor argument. Where have I begrudged anyone their accomplishments? Nowhere. What I begrudge are tax rates that favor the wealthiest among us.
Yet they pay about 7 times the average middle class gross salary is in federal tax alone. That's going by your $1,000,000.00 a year figure. With that in mind, I have trouble seeing how they're screwing me considering the end result. I don't have as much problem seeing how the guy in the store with a wardrobe worth my car, yapping on an iPhone about how his 52" TV won't catch HD channels, who pays for his food with a LA Purchase card, and throws it all into his BMW and speeds off down the road, is screwing me. He's screwing you too, Red.
Well, to each his own. I don't like being screwed by the poor guy or the rich guy. But rich guys certainly can buy enough Vaseline to get away with a lot of it, I guess.
I can accept that. I think the difference in my opinion from yours is, I see the rich guy as paying his own way. If he's showing off his stuff it's because he can afford to. That's not illegal, it's perfectly within his rights. When I see a person that is living that well, or has something I would like to have, the first thought in my mind is "Man that would be nice to have. I wonder what I'd need to do to get stuff like that for myself?". Not, "I wonder what government program I can take advantage of so can afford cool stuff like that guy?".. The guy I described from the store (true story btw), has obviously bad spending habits and is exploiting the system (our money) to make ends meet so he can act rich, rather than sucking it up and living within his means like the rest of us normal folk do..... Much more slap in the face IMHO.
Do tax rates really favor anyone? A moderate would hold the position everyone should pay the same not one more or less than the other.
Disagree. A moderate could have a wide range of views between the extremes. A progressive tax that is not extreme could easily be supported by a moderate.
Yes, they can. See the other thread for the answer to this tax question. I do hold the position that all taxes should be the same. ALL taxes.
All taxes will never the be same. The rich payout for the poor. And the poor vote for more rich payouts. A crying shame.
Tired old stereotypes. The rich are pulling away from the middle class with tax breaks and you are paying for them. And apparently loving it. :insane: