1. Exactly why I refuse to spend a single penny at wal mart.
  2. Yet again people attack the private sector and totally ignore the greed and corruption in Washington DC.
    Politicians are every bit as bad and responsible for the problems as the private sector but some don't give a ****.
    Its always blame the private sector for everything.
    I am not trying to stick up for the private sector as much as pointing out the obvious here.
    I know it looks like I am constantly sticking up for the private sector but thats only because things are way way out of balance.
    Obama and his views are destroying the country.

    Tall me of one instance where government treats people fair?

  3. Affirmative Action :hihi:
  4. Tax breaks for people who earn most of their income from dividends and interest instead of from salaries of business profits.

    They are against progressive taxation, too.
  5. No, let's stop letting them screw the middle class. It's not the poor who are taking from us, it's the rich. The gap gets wider every year.

    What bullchit! The economy is a symbiotic relationship. It takes all of us. The rich don't drive a damn thing. Owning a company drives nothing if people don't work and make a profit and spend that money. Spending is what drives the economy and the rich can't do it alone.

    I am well on my way, Hoss. I suggest you do the same. Jealousy? I ain't the one licking their boots with envy. It won't get you there any faster.
  6. How are the rich taking from us?

    You make my point.

    I don't lick their boots. I respect their achievements. I don't begrudge anyone their accomplishments whether earned or inherited. You do. That's called jealousy.
  7. Those same tax breaks extend to anyone who earns any income from qualified dividends or growth in investment assets.

    What you continually fail to see is that this lower tax rate benefits the middle class tremendously, especially retired Americans.

    If capital gains are taxed as ordinary income many, especially those in the middle class, could not afford to invest in equities because the reduction in spread caused by increased taxation would not justify the risk. Anyone who understands the sharpe ratio can plainly see this.
  8. It's not just one or the other. You mean to tell me the "poor" people abusing government subsidies aren't taking from us? I'm not saying all poor people are scamming the system, but I think you'll agree that there's a good bit of abuse of the system out there. I wonder where that money comes from?

    I'll give you that but on the same token, if there's no company for people to work for so they can spend that money then again, where does "that money" come from?
  9. Well it's really quite simple. It comes from the guy that can just print it. No guy owns the company? Well the govt can take care of that. It worked out so well in Russia, China, Germany, and Cuba to name a few success stories.

    Funny that this way of thinking was proven a failure world round except in the minds of a few dudes in Berkley for years. Now it has found it's way back in this country and seems to be growing.

    So much for being in remission.
  10. :insane: