Social Conservatives / Evangelicals

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Rex_B, Jan 17, 2012.

  1. TBTrumpet

    TBTrumpet Founding Member

    Would he be a socialist instead?
  2. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    all politics aside but if you've read the new testament you shouldn't have to ask that question.
  3. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    mlu's pretense is that republicans are worse people, morally speaking, than democrats. this is what people say when they are insecure about their own values. they adopt a political philosophy not based on reason, but on the way they like to think of themselves, assigning moral values to various positions, then taking the one they think is most righteous. i am an ******* so i dont give a damn. but most liberals are after a philosophy that they think makes them a better person. this is a very stupid way to analyze politics. particularly because legislation designed to help the downtrodden almost always hurts them, because the people behind the legislation could bt bothered to analyze the efficacy of the legislation rationally, they were all caught up in doing something that appeared to be caring or whatever.

    MLU is the sort of person that is searching for an identity, not genuinely trying to solve the problems of politics.
  4. TBTrumpet

    TBTrumpet Founding Member

    I haven't read the new testament in...... 13 years, I think... something like that.

    So Jesus would never be a republican, but definitely a democrat? Is that what I'm supposed to take away from this?
  5. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    both parties claim to be solving problems for people of all kinds. saying "jesus would prefer party X" is another way of saying "i prefer party X". its pointless.
  6. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    I don't think he would have been either but I think that his teachings lend themselves to ideals more likely championed by those left-leaning versus todays Republican party.
  7. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Here we go again, Martin. You drivel on about other people's stances on subjects but you never state your own belief. You say that MLU is searching for an identity but it sounds to me as if MLU already knows what they believe in. Instead it is you who does not know what they beleive. This is evidenced by your blatant lack of an opinion on any subject matter.

    This is your elementary way of claiming the high ground on any conversation and I lose respect for your intellectual value every time you exercise this option.

    most liberals are after a philosophy that they think makes them a better person.

    Are liberals the only people who are after a philosophy that they think makes them a better person? You mean the Evangelicals who populate the church pews every Sunday are there to feel worse about their beliefs? Of course not! We are all after a philosophy that we think makes us a better person. If not, then you are probably a sociopath or psychopath.

    because legislation designed to help the downtrodden almost always hurts them

    this, once again, is an over-reach on your part. Social security has not hurt people. Social security has been a very successful program. Welfare, as I've stated before, should have time limits, but to assert that all legislation designed to help the downtrodden almost always hurts them is just plain short-sighted and is indicative of the fact that you did not think this through very well.
  8. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    homey i have an opinion on everything! and i mean everything.

    course not.

    [/quote] You mean the Evangelicals who populate the church pews every Sunday are there to feel worse about their beliefs? Of course not! We are all after a philosophy that we think makes us a better person. If not, then you are probably a sociopath or psychopath.

    well my philosophy isnt about making myself a better person, its more about reason. and flaw with basing your philosophy on your own insecurity is that ofteentimes you are content to have good intentions. then the problem is solved, according to you, because the problem was your mental issues. soemtimes the actual problems require solutions that on the surface seem heartless. for example poor people are not always benefited by taxing the rich. but liberals feel good about taxing the rich so they dont care about reality. they are too busy painting their opponents are uncaring jerks. saying things like "jesus would not be republican".

  9. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    well my philosophy isnt about making myself a better person, its more about reason.
    this is assuming that these two things are mutually exclusive. does the application of reason necessarily mean that you will not be a better person? no, of course not. nor does reason exclude you from becoming, or wishing to become, a better person.

    you are content to have good intentions
    I never said this. You are assigning your assumptions about me but I never implied this, much less said it. good intentions are pointless without action and any one worth their salt recognizes this.

    soemtimes the actual problems require solutions that on the surface seem heartless. for example poor people are not always benefited by taxing the rich. but liberals feel good about taxing the rich so they dont care about reality. they are too busy painting their opponents are uncaring jerks. saying things like "jesus would not be republican".
    name some solutions that seem heartless but are beneficial. I want to hear this list.... and who ever said anything abotu liberals taxing the rich. no one wants more taxes, or even said as much, which is again another of your asinine assumptions.

    course it has. it has made the economy far worse and it costs insane amounts of money that could have been used for other things, by the folks that earned it. its HUGE. i mean HUGE.
    This statement, all by iteself, is reflective of your shallow understanding of social security and how it works. Social Security is only for those who have paid into it over the span of their working career. Social Security is not a hand out. If you do not work, you do not receive Social Security. This is how f***ing blinded you are by Republican talking points and further proves my point that you have no clue of what you believe in.....NONE!!! Social Security is perfectly solvent but it is the politicians who continually rob the trust fund to fund wars and medicare part d or e or whatever it is by now. If you don't understand that Social Security hasn't cost us a damn dime then there is no help for you.

  10. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    correct. but most folks are so obsessed with creating a self-image that they like that they forget to actually care about the consqequences of their actions.

    i meant generic "you", not actual you.

    lower taxes on the rich. the abolition of anti-monopoly laws. the abolition of rent controls or price controls of any kind. drastic reduction in farm subsidy.

    not sure what is wrong with you, lots of people are clamoring for more taxes.

    in that case why dont they pay it into their own investments? because they are too stupid to manage their own money?


    that is an obscure theory. lemme guess, you are old.

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