That will never get old. That broadcast will stick with me for the rest of my life. "His motor never stops."
I doubt USC will drop any. I think Ole Miss is improved a bit but Colorado was terrible. So after watching Georgia for 3 1/2 qtrs last night I'm not very impressed.
If you drop USC you have to drop Auburn too........... right? The were as close to being beat as you can get....again.
Georgia has a top 10 defense. The offense has played EXTREMELY conservatively over the past few games. After watching the Georgia Spring game, I'm well aware of how good Stafford can throw. And I also know that Richt has Jason Johnson and Mickey Henderson in the wings ready to spring on an unsuspecting opponent because they are almost healthy and ready to go. I hope that the Vols and Gators are self assured enough to think that Georgia is not going to be tough to beat.
Bill O'Reilley would jump all over you on that one. The brutal fact is that you almost got beat by Colorado and Ole Miss. The refs took away a probable TD from Ole Miss. If Georgia has a good team on the bench, Richt had better put them in fast. By the way, welcome. Haven't heard from you in a while.
No doubt about that here, but this thread is on top 10 Teams. If rankings were based on D alone, LSU would be at the top.
The main reason Georgia is still sitting close in is because of being undefeated. Realistically, Georgia will live by the sword or die by the sword just like every other SEC team in the top 15 over the next few weeks. Georgia just happens to have the lowest PA of any SEC team right now, shutout Spurrier in Columbia, and is still undefeated. The game against Tennessee this weekend will show whether Georgia is worthy of being a top 10 team. The same goes with LSU vs. Florida. Something is about to give.
Chip, still think Auburn will lose 3-4 games? Or can you admit that we are better than you thougth we'd be? I'm not saying we are going to go undefeated, or even win the SEC...but I think we are certainly better than a 8 win team.
i think auburn will lose one....maybe two... USC layed down the blueprint. Florida and whoever wants to step up between UGA/Bama.
Auburn has just come off two very close games. Personally, the refs handed Auburn the LSU game on a silver platter. Auburn did not win that game. I was decided in the officials replay box. I also picked Arkansas as a dark horse contender for the West. Auburn still has to play Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Arkansas and a bowl opponent. 3 or 4 losses is still a realistic possibility.