Again, Saban is not interviewing for a job. Miami approached him and he's listening to what they have to say. There's nothing wrong, or unethical about that. I didn't say you were badmouthing him but, I can tell from the tone of your post that you'll jump his ass as soon as he's gone, whenever that is. How dare Saban look out for himself.
Tiger fan you are, mindreader you are not. I will not jump his ass at all, unless he lets this linger until all A list coaches are locked up (like he gives a sh!t about my opinion anyway). God Bless NS if he goes to Miami, I will be thrilled for him. Just do it in a respectable way. Also, where are you reading that he did not interview for the job? I sure thought he had a *preliminary meeting* aka interview for the position. Again, I say more power to him. But I wonder how you can say this.
I am concerned that Saban has a credibility issue regardless of whatever he says if he decided to stay. Didn't he indicate that he wasn't interested when the Miami job opened up , and then he looked seriously into it? I would wonder about it if I were a recruit, not ever knowing how long I would have Saban as a coach. He has to be convincing enough for everyone that he would be around for a while for recruiting to have sustained success. ________ POLYCYSTIC OVARY SYNDROME (PCOS) ADVICE
Easy. Studly high school football player: "Well, I like LSU and I like Coach Saban. But he keeps interviewing with NFL teams. I'm afraid he won't be around for a great deal of my college career!" LSU Assistant Coach recruiting studly high school football player: "I cannot tell you what Coach Saban will do in the future. I don't know. The way things are in the coaching profession these days, there are no guarantees that any coach will be staying at any school. But I do know this: The Miami Dolphins offered him everything plus the moon, and he turned it down to stay at LSU. That tells me something!"
you can argue it all night and tomorrow and the next day. I'll still prove you wrong. Results matter, not your speculation on the high school kid. I am usually right if not always so you should really succumb to my rightness. If Nick Saban wants 'studly' said recruit he will get him. Odds are if 'pretend stud' isn't sure he can commit, Nick Saban isn't sure he wants him. Who cares....beyond RP all have a replacement which occurs once every decade. Nick Saban=college football god who cannot be replaced. Butch Davis, Bobby Petrino, nor Tub O Crap could have ever done what Little Nickie has accomplished here. Accept it, deal with it, like it. Your petty, ridiculous, unsubstantiated arguments hold no weight at all. Its all because he hurts your feelings. Too bad. Your cousin's friend's nephew wont be recruited. Sucks for him. LSU still prospers as long as Saban is here no matter how you spin it. And that, my friends, is the bottom line. We have a winner as long as he stays whether you like his methodology or not. sucks for you. And to top it off, I am funny as well.
You are once again basing your argument on past success, when in the past he has not been this close to leaving and thus holds no weight for here moving forward. It was also not you who "proved me wrong", it was Spring Tiger who made a logical argument to the contrary. I ALSO STATED ON NUMEROUS TIMES I WANT HIM TO STAY (-------- Did you read it this time? As far as the rest of your post, it is simply a regurgitation of about 20 of your other posts in the last couple days. I guess after 7,982 posts originality must be hard to come by. The infighting on this board is getting old and petty. People trying to claim 'victory' in a post when it is simply one opinion vs another is ascinine. But if what makes you feel good is being 'king' of tiger forums, then by all means continue to fling sh!t.