Re: I have to admit it ... I beg to differ if they make the prices of the jerseys to high to make people either "unwilling or unable" does not which the result is the same "No Money Made" which would mean "We" hold complete power.
Re: I have to admit it ... Holy cow CTK, you've done. I think my head exploded trying to do that math, but I think you're right. :thumb: You're saying that the consumers decide on both the jersey and the price? I agree with that completely.
Re: I have to admit it ... Which that is true but today its impossible because consumers would have come to an agreement to boycott the jersey and price in order for that to come in affect. Which would be hard because everybody has their own opinion but you all are right
I can live with different color schemes somewhat, but generally I don't like them. The gold jerseys at the Vandy "white out" game was ok. Never liked the purple pants. The white helmets is what does me in. Didn't like them in the Independence Bowl nor on Saturday. That's like taking the pinstripes off the Yankees home uniforms. Don't mess with tradition. With that being said we are 2-0 in white helmets...
Re: I have to admit it ... Les also stated that the new uniforms were part of the distractions that LSU suffered through in the first half.
They looked like a local high school's unis...and the play matched in the first half. Burn them!:angryfire
Didn't like the look they threw out last weekend. They white helmet completely took away from the alternate uni's. Hope that was only a one-time deal.... :geauxtige :geauxtige :geauxtige :geauxtige
isaw a friend today that is an ou fan and one of the comments i got was "where did lsu get those hideous uniforms?" those wite pants were terrible! i have maintained all along that the jerseys by themselves are bad, but the unis as a whole, gag! please skip, dont let nike phuck with our unis any more!! oh, and for the record, i was nice about this weekend's events. :grin: