I think they looked ok, but I think the way we played today made them look alot worse then they really are!!!
Penn St. Every time i would flip back to the game, i thought i was watching ole Joe Paterno team in the dome.
I can't put down in words how much I hate the uniforms. Un.. Awe... Incre... Ugl... See. Words aren't enough. Burn them.
I liked them a lot better than I thought I would after seeing pictures last week. I really like the white helmets and it was great for a change of pace. I definitely want to keep our traditional uni's but really liked having some variety for a change.
They didn't look like LSU. They didn't feel like LSU. And they didn't play like LSU. Let this finally be the end of uniform experimentation at LSU.
I liked them well better than expected but might have been due to just seeing something new for a change
was it just me or did they look a little like Auburn.........i don't really hate the pants and helmet but i think they would have looked better with our normal Purple jersey.........wouldn't want to see them too often maybe break them out for homecoming every once in a while or something.....still like the :helmet:
THEY WERE HOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRIBLE!!! Just the tops though, This is what I would like to see, White Helmets, Regular Purple Jerseys, and the pants today BUT with a SOLID Thick Gold Stripe