So what do you guys think of the uniforms?

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by psulions2007, Sep 29, 2007.

  1. scaill1

    scaill1 Founding Member

    I think they looked ok, but I think the way we played today made them look alot worse then they really are!!!
  2. houtiger

    houtiger Founding Member

    OK for one game, would be ok once a year. I didn't really like them, it didn't look like LSU.
  3. eL eS shU

    eL eS shU Founding Member

    Penn St.

    Every time i would flip back to the game, i thought i was watching ole Joe Paterno team in the dome.
  4. tigermark

    tigermark Rematches suck!

    I can't put down in words how much I hate the uniforms. Un.. Awe... Incre... Ugl...

    See. Words aren't enough. Burn them.
  5. I liked them a lot better than I thought I would after seeing pictures last week. I really like the white helmets and it was great for a change of pace. I definitely want to keep our traditional uni's but really liked having some variety for a change.
  6. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    They didn't look like LSU. They didn't feel like LSU. And they didn't play like LSU. Let this finally be the end of uniform experimentation at LSU.
  7. TigerKid05

    TigerKid05 Say Whaa!?!?

    the helmets should be melted down and sunk in the deepest part in the ocean.
  8. pjnchamps

    pjnchamps Founding Member

    I liked them well better than expected but might have been due to just seeing something new for a change
  9. darren

    darren Freshman

    was it just me or did they look a little like Auburn.........i don't really hate the pants and helmet but i think they would have looked better with our normal Purple jersey.........wouldn't want to see them too often maybe break them out for homecoming every once in a while or something.....still like the :helmet:
  10. Crip*TEAM KATT

    Crip*TEAM KATT As Wild As We Wanna Be


    Just the tops though,

    This is what I would like to see, White Helmets, Regular Purple Jerseys, and the pants today BUT with a SOLID Thick Gold Stripe

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