I would cross the street if this guy/girl were walking towards me on the sidewalk, scary stuff! Still probably the most normal one out of his pack though....
That's saying something, lol. I wonder when he's all through if he'll be prettier than his second ex-wife. Maybe she's the problem. She was married to Elvis and David Foster, too.
no i was too young but was speaking about a generation who idolized him back when there were 3 news outlets and tv channels. and he was a a white star athlete which made him even more popular. well played.
this thread is disturbing as fuck. and since someone brought it up, it does have that creepiness when i used to see pictures of michael jackson during his transformation.
How did you think it was gonna go? The trappings of bizarre are deeply embedded in this one. What is even more bizarre is it seems that vball is stalking this cat. Morbid curiosity I guess.
You should know better.....we live in CA....stalking is not required. One has to throw the TV out the window and not read any headlines to avoid this shit. Morbid is about right though....hard to watch this one.
vball keeps up with celebrity. as do i. its dessert. http://klipd.com/watch/finding-forrester/national-enquirer-pulitzer-prize-scene im already excited to watch the housewives later. wait, I am gay. oh the irony of this thread.