Yeah to people who already have a negative opinion on "trannies". To some she has brought light to the situation. Maybe someone won't be afraid to come out now, maybe someone won't commit suicide now because if this person who is in the public eye can do it, maybe they can too.
How about a locker room, where everyone's getting at least semi-naked. If being transgender is no different from any other physical or mental deformity, then it becomes an issue of, is the afflicted person comfortable? So if our 13-year old girl wannabe has no problem disrobing in the girls' locker room, are you OK with your daughter being in there with him?
I already said no I wouldn't be comfortable if my daughter was in there. I'm struggling with this topic. It's been weighing heavy on my mind for a few years now.
Hopefully the latter paragraph is true. I pondered that idea many times but this group seems like they're really fn special.
Good luck with that....everyone has some issue to struggle with that hits them personally. None of them are easy.
Yeah you just never know. It was a really easy subject for me to approach at one point in my life then, all of the sudden someone very close goes through this, and it's like a ton of bricks. And I feel bad for feeling this way because I can't imagine what it must be like for her. I don't want to say the wrong thing, I don't want to offend or ostracize, but at the same time I don't want them to know I'm being guarded. It's awkward, but again makes me feel like shit because here i am with the big pity party for myself, when I should just be supportive, I'd like to think I have been, but I don't really know.
Jebus, will you drop your sack already? This is exactly what's wrong with the entire PC movement, all the shaming and guilt inducing. Quit "feeling bad" about every flipping thing you think. If you don't treat people badly, then stop worrying about how to think! You end up looking and sounding a lot more dishonest when you attempt to hide or cover up your own damn truth. What does supportive mean, anyway? Drawing up your own "Yea for trannies" poster? Or maybe just spending some quality time with the person? Only you can answer that but stop being so overly thoughtful and start living. For lack of a better way of saying it, you need an emotional enema.....get it all out and quit worrying about how it looks or sounds. You aren't somebody who would ever be mean or go forth and live a little.
I was going to say something similar but you beat me to it. I'm so sick of all the whining PC guilty feelers I could vomit.
One of my kids goes up to their Grandfather one day and said "She makes me so mad" or something to that affect. He looks at her and says (I'm paraphrasing) "That's the dumbest thing you have ever said to me. No one can make you feel anything. You are in control of your feelings." Good lesson.