It is that generation. They like to wallow in such stupid shit. They can't deal with challenge, hard work, or barriers without crying and whining and singing songs/making posters. There is an over-sensitivity that sucks the fun out of living. They don't laugh, they don't crack jokes, they don't make fun of anything. Every little comment that even borders are being non-PC is a rallying cry. I'm sick of it. Why did we stop laughing at ourselves?
But this dude had access to a unisex bathroom and just didn't want to use it anymore. Why does his right to pretend to be a chick, outweigh the rights of all the girls in the locker room to undress and pee without a penis in the room?
If he/she it would move to the middle of the damn desert and dress however he she it wants would be fine with me. Go to the bathroom on cactus would suit me just fine. I am so sick of it that I want it to go somewhere where yahoo cant find it to take pictures. And take that whole family with it.
Alright, ENOUGH!! "a difficult task for a girl?" He's not a girl, he's a boy! Are you telling me that nature screwed up so badly on this kid that it gave him male plumbing, but female needs/urges/control for evacuation? Jeez, I don't give a damn what new age crap you've been force fed all your life. Do a quick physical inspection of your groin....if you see a penis, you're a man. Learn to deal with anything else.