At the risk of further raising the bar of the creepyness factor of this thread (For anybody who has had enough, a keg of beer will be provide so you can drink your fill and go out in the backyard and join Red and Tiga in the communal pissing) OK, gay men use the men's restroom. Nobody thinks anything about it and you almost never even know that the other guy is gay. Straight and gay men have stood together at our nation's urinals since urinals were invented and shared the joys and relief of urination. Lesbians use the women's restroom and have a private stall (Please, just one square. - Elaine Benes) But an Ex Man tranny who has not yet had the dick and ball whacking surgery can use the women's restrooms and have a private stall so nobody really cares. Ex Woman trannies who have not had the surgery but still want to use the men's room might have to use the urinal. I don't know how that would work unless the tranny squated over the urinal female style. An Ex Woman tranny who has had the surgery may or may not piss through a surgically constructed penis. I really don't know. I really don't want to know but I have a feeling that vball will find out and post it here.
I have to get something off my chest. I have always felt more like I was a woman trapped in a man's body. But not a feminine woman. I never wanted to wear women's clothes or wear makeup and style my hair. I feel more like a woman who looks manly and prefers to wear men's clothing. And I have never been sexually attracted to men. Only women. I suppose this makes me a trans dyke lesbian. I'm not going to have sexual reassignment surgery. Come on! Nobody gets a knife near the family jewels. So I'll just have to go on as I always have. EXCEPT FOR ONE THING! I DEMAND MY RIGHT TO USE WOMEN'S RESTROOMS! Anywhere and everywhere. Public buildings, stores, restaurants, anywhere. If I don't get my rights I'm going to sue for a billion dollars. However I'm a reasonalbe manly dyke lesbian woman. I'm willing to settle. If every single govenment office in every municipality in the USA and the federal system, every restaurant in the USA where I might conceivably dine, every convenience store where I might stop for gas or beer or snacks and every other kind of store will agree to each chip in and pay me $100 each I'll drop the lawsuit. Don't laugh. It could happen.
I was being facetious but what's to keep somebody from claiming such a condition and making a big stink about it? If that person happened to be famous they would have all kinds of PC media support.
This is the absolute truth. Women's restrooms are often disgusting. Hey, ladies, it you didn't try to squat over the toilet, it wouldn't be filthy in the first place. Morons... ETA...and flush the damned toilet. And properly dispose of pads/tampons.