Red: I agree with you more than most, but the working mom, in lieu of the nurturing mom, is a disaster. We would not need moms working if we had not turned mega greedy, taking what our parents gave us (the greatest generation) and wanting more. I am 100% certain I am right about this. With my oldest daughter, my wife stayed home and READ with her, constantly. With my youngest, my wife was working, and my daughter stayed with Grandma and Grandpa. I think her first words were from the theme song from "COPS""...Bad Boys what you gonna do." I have lived it and cried about it, and anguished at the result. We could not love our daughters more, but the the difference in the intellectual development between the two is phenomenal. We put men on the moon with stay at home mom's. Hell we can't put men there today to save our lives. Don't get me wrong, I am for equal ops for all and equal pay and all that, but in my heart of hearts, I KNOW the loosing moms at home is part of what destroyed this country.
Halloween puts his finger on one of the conundrums of modern times. I would never say that women shouldn't have all the opportunities available today and believe that in many ways we have benefited from the contributions of women. However we can't deny the penalties as H noted. It seems generations born after the flood of women to the workforce have been more harmed than helped by lack of close maternal contact. I am sure many ladies will protest that they have great kids in spite of working and I am sure it is true for their example. Likewise many kids raised so will say they had no issues due to mom's working and again I am sure they speak correctly for themselves. It isn't individual testimony but statistical data gathered over a broad cross section and accross time that will tell the tale. I do know there has been much statistical data generated on the deliterious effect of single parent household sine Pat Moynihan has Sec of Health & Human Service (or what ever it was called in te 1960's). Also little commented on is what essentially doubling the workforce has done to wages. There have not been enough studies done but logic says that it has to have had a significant impact. While the above is what appears correct to me I don't have the data to say it is correct. We should honestly inquire as to both benefits and concequences of these changes in our society.
Why can't a women be both career minded and a nuturing mother? My wife works and I'd challenge anyone to find a better mother than she is.
because people like halloween and onelsufan are incredibly stupid on this topic and have the balls to say they are 100% because of their life experience permeates to the rest of the nation. Seriously thats how they feel. Guess what my wife works my son is with his grandmother and some other programs for kids and is smart as a whip. Is that the case for 300 other Americans, no! however, since the need a reason to rail against liberals and women working, it was the perfect opportunity to do so and sound really fucking stupid about at the same time. Imagine that! my mom is a nurse, my father is a CFO, they both worked. I guess I turned out terrible, in the ghetto and all. stmf
Amigo, you are trying to apply your life experience to us all and it just don't fly. My Mom was a working mom in the 50's when it was very unusual. I turned out just fine. She did stay at home until I was 4 because infant day care didn't exist, but when I went into nursery school (now they would call it pre-K) she went back to work. In fact, I was ready for interaction with other of my own kind as well as other adults and the experience was highly beneficial to my development, being an only child at home. Employed moms in the family work out well for a lot of people. It brings in more money for the benefit of the family and the children's education. College would be out of reach for many if Mom didn't bring in income. What is a disaster is single parent families. That is another matter entirely and is a huge problem. Self righteousness does not become you, sir. Consider that this is not the experience of many others. Both of us know people whose kids are radically different even though they were raised exactly the same. It happens. Both of my parents worked and both found time to interact with me to all the degree that I could stand. But I had opportunity to develop independence and confidence that some of my compadres still tied to moms apron strings never quite developed. I'm looking around and I don't see a destroyed country. I see the finest country in the history of the planet. Women that want to be housewives should do just that. But many more women do not, so they get the child raising job done anyway and they do a damn good job of it.
I'd rather my wife raise our kids than a babysitter with 10 other kids to manage. In fact, she does raise our kids as I am the only one that works. My peace of mind far exceeds that of wounding what is going on at day care. I know that 100% of our values are taught to my kids. I have no problem with women working, but I think it is a must that at least 1 parent raises the kids full time. However, if I had a situation where my grandmother or sister helped raise the kids because we both worked, I would be ok with that. Just my 2 cents. I should also add that I only "want" my wife with the kids until they are of school age. I do think the public/private school interact is "VERY" important. Also, working parents in many cases do a better job of parenting than stay out home parents. SO I think both sides can be right in certain instances.
If that works for you, then fine. but for someone to say that the country is going to hell because women work is asinine.
I am not disagreeing with you but the problem is way deeper than that. There are SO many kids without even one parent much less two.
so women going to work destroyed this country? you guys sound like 2 idiots from the sons of the confederacy.