You do understand that the J6 can’t file charges or try anyone. That isn’t the objective. It was to determine what happened why and how, which it’s doing a pretty good job. Did you notice many of the records and testimony has been handed over to the DOJ doing criminal investigation of the events leading up to and including J6. We’re going to see if Garland has the balls to indict Trump and those around him. Go ahead and blow it off.
I admire Herschel Walker. He's a smart guy, but it's his wisdom that would make him a great Senator. And rock solid morals and values. And don't confuse intelligence with oratory skills. There's a lot of slick talking idiots in this world, and slick talking thieves.....plenty of both in D.C.
If you're empty headed then you're also thoughtless. They're not exclusive. What a thoughtless comment.
No it isn't. The objective is to create media propaganda to protect the cabal of Washington Insiders from the American People.
Rino Liz told us all exactly what the objective was before it started. Did you miss that? It was never about the truth, if that were the case they would have allowed the other side of the story to be told. No, it wasn't about that at all. In her own words Liz said This is to keep Trump from running again. So yeah, I'm blowing it off because like Mar a Lago and ALL the others before they have nothing!
If that ain't the biggest alternative fact I've ever seen. and your friends seem to agree with you, which convinces me even further you don't care who is in leadership roles, or how incompetent they are, as long as they're on your side. true reflection of sheep. makes me so proud to not be one of you!