Military So ISIS & the Middle East

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by LSUpride123, Aug 29, 2014.

  1. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    They tried, they are not the sharpest knives in the drawer.

    That is the current irrational fear in America and Europe. And I am sure they will try this, but AQ and other islamists have been trying this for many years. The only real success has been a couple of rather dim Russians who only managed to kill a few people. That is why we have the FBI and Homeland Security. They have handled this quite well.

    You can bet that ISIS' primary aim is to take over Syria and Iraq and establish a caliphate. The anti-American rhetoric is mostly for recruiting. They are fighting and taking casualties every day, their logistics are tenuous and vulnerable, they have no powerful allies, and their financial supporters in other Arab countries are backing away from them. They are not only appalled at the ethnic cleansing and beheadings, but they fear that ISIS will export the jihad to them. America is far away, powerful, and has a military presence on their turf. The rest of the middle east is close, militarily weak, and subject to an jihadist insurgency.

    The major campaign that the war hawks are encouraging Obama to start. You mentioned that you have heard the worries coming from Europe already and the moderate Arab states are worried, too. Not to mention Turkey, Iran, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Kuwait, Iraq, and Jordan which border the "Islamic State" that ISIS seeks. You can't have missed that the aforementioned countries did not even protest the Israeli action against Hamas. Radical jihadism threatens a lot of countries in the region.

    Obama is already talking with other countries. Don't expect another Gulf War massive army, it will more likely be an economic strangulation and military attrition conducted with airpower and SOF.
  2. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    The problem with the Koran is that it is full of contradictory messages. You can find one that supports almost anything.
  3. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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  4. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    Perhaps not but they have done a lot of damage for dumb folks.

    Then you may be the only one thinking "rationally". Every government and ME agency expert I have heard have all said this is the goal and with their financial means, very possible. Our government won't even say how many with American passports have traveled there since January and they know. Why did it take a reporter to reveal that the American killed fighting for isis worked for Delta and had a security clearance?

    Of course it is, they have said as much. They already control the entire North of Syria from Alepo to Deir al-Zour and have taken towns all over the North of Iraq and as far south as Baghdad. Why do you think Obama just sent 300 more troops to Baghdad. We now have over 800 there. They have taken convoy hits no doubt but I believe you have declared their losses a bit too soon.

    Europe is pre-occupied with Russia and Putin. Other than GB, no other country has said much or has much at stake. GB let a bunch of radical muslims in to their country and now have to put up with that shit in their back yard.

    When Saudi Arabia completely cuts off their funding of isis and takes a very anti-isis point of view publicly, then I will be impressed. It won't happen. Saudi Arabia still cuts people's heads off as punishment for things like apostasy and adultery and sodomy.

    I don't expect another gulf war. I don't expect much really. His ability to influence has waned IMO.
  5. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    I'm no expert for sure and what you say is somewhat true. Although something specific like swine references either exist or they don't. I looked at several verses in my copy of the Koran and found them to all state the same thing as what I posted. So basically don't eat pork but if you have to to survive and ask forgiveness, then it's all good. I don't see that as translating to what was said. But again, I'm not an expert so I could very well be wrong.
  6. tigerchick46

    tigerchick46 Quick Learner

    Nov 2, 2011
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    That's sweet, thanks and sometimes my sarcasm isn't always detected, the internet can be a strange mistress like that :)
  7. tigerchick46

    tigerchick46 Quick Learner

    Nov 2, 2011
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    Hey thanks for the breakdown and the Civics course on the obvious, if you didn’t get what I meant and you just want to be a typical hardo Literal Dick…..mission accomplished Choss, aaahhh to have the spare time of a State Employee.

    You wasting cyberspace with your breakdown on the Islamic State is like me calling you out for saying yesterday “It's not about Islam, it's about radical jihadists with an international agenda. There are less than 5,000 of them, hiding around the world in various cesspools. We must focus on them” But today it’s “There are only about 15,000 ISIS fighters” I get what you are trying to emphasize with these numbers you are pulling out of thin air and stating them in a matter of fact way, you think it’s just a small percentage of Muslims who are the problem. However I see no need to be a Literal Dick about it and point out you can't make up your mind on just who is the enemy and their true numbers, even though I just was.

    I agree it’s a small percentage who are out on the front lines actually committing these horrible crimes, if that is in fact the point you are trying to make, I’m just guessing not speaking for you. However, I think a very large, in fact overwhelming majority of Muslims support and pull for these lunatics from the sidelines and would love to see America destroyed, our citizens and soldiers killed, our freedoms gone. I’m sure you remember all the Muslims celebrating around the world after 9/11. Wasn’t just less than 5,000 or around 15,000 of them it was millions of them.……you speaking for me by saying I hate America is comical. Get over yourself.

    Your inability to be more ruthless, extend them the same courtesy and beyond is yours.

    Send a few A-bombs over, get their attention with the only thing they understand.......problem solved. If you don't like my solution for the problem, don't ask.
  8. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Sure. But it has been possible all along and other radical groups have tried. But there has not been all that much of it. It is a law enforcement problem, not a foreign war problem. It is important not to take council of our fears and overreact. Just 10 years ago we made the biggest political, economic, and military blunder in our history when some believed that we must invade Iraq because they were tied to Al Qaeda and they had weapons of mass destruction, neither of which were true.

    It is important to remember that much of their territory is uninhabitable desert. Their "country" is actually the worst pieces of two other countries. Landlocked surrounded by adversaries, three of which they are at war with, logistical problems, humanitarian problems, the worst international relations in the world and now they taunt The Superpower and the Israeli Regional Power.

    Becasue we can't trust the Iraqi army to protect US diplomatic personnel any more. They are completely infiltrated by ISIS.

    They have been fitting fiercely with Syrians, Hezbollah, Al-Nusra rebels, the Iraqi Army and the Kurds in addition to US airpower. They are taking casualties. They can lose a war of attrition.

    Every country in Europe has muslims, there are millions of them. France has had bombings, riots and enacted new laws that are anti-Islam. Germany is filled with Turkish and other muslim workers. Denmark is under fatwa for political cartoons. Eastern Europe is and should be their focus, but they all have a big stake in muslim politics and middle eastern terrorism.

    The Saudi government is not funding ISIS but some wealthy Saudis and Gulf States sheiks are sending private money. They must shut that down and be prepared to fight. We saved them from convention military invasion from Iraq. It is unlikely that we will intervene in a Saudi insurgency or a guerrilla war with ISIS unless the heavily equipped and trained-up Saudi military steps up and fights for itself. They did a piss-poor job in 1991.
  9. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    I'm retired, brainiac. I work when I want to.

    You have to have a harder shell than this if you are going to play with the boys. V-ball and yourself are the only females since Okie that can take the daily hardball around here without people having to pull their punches. Don't start crying now.

    The key term, that you missed, is "international agenda" -- Al Qaeda, Islamic Jihad, AQAP, about 5,000 of them, look it up. The point is that most radical jihadists have a local agenda. The 15,000 ISIL fighters, Hezbollah, Hamas, the Taliban, Al Shabaab, etc. We must be aware of who among the radical rags is a threat to us and who is somebody else's problem.

    Your confusion of terrorists with an agenda of attacking the USA with the radical middle eastern groups that are fighting each other or other countries on their own turf is problem.

    Actually studies show that is not true. But even if it were, they are not worth wasting American treasure or American lives upon. We can bankrupt ourselves with this kind of feel-good action. On the other hand, if we focus on the true threats and forget the billions of muslims out there, we can defeat the only ones that matter.

    That phrase is an old joke around here because a former member used it all the time in mostly inappropriate situations. I forget that you are kind of new to FSA. It means I was fucking with you with that nazi remark.

    I am all for ruthless action against the goddam perpetrators. Not against all the people in the middle east because I dislike their fucking religion.

    It solves no problems and creates more! That is why it is a silly fantasy. Get. Real.

    If you are afraid to be challenged, then why are you debating in Free Speech Alley?
  10. Frogleg

    Frogleg Registered Best

    Dec 23, 2004
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    revenge makes us feel better, and that's let's get on with it
    tigerchick46 and Bengal B like this.

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