Then why don't the friggin alleged "huge" percentage of those 2 Billion take care of business? Why aren't every single one of them speaking out....loudly....angrily....and demanding justice for the "peaceful" islam? Because they don't effing give a damn.
Due to all of the killings recently in the name of radical jihad... I think every mosque from coast to coast, and border to border needs to be wire tapped. I can pretty much guarantee that there's some mosques that are recruiting and planning more attacks.
You are as predictable and stubborn as Les Miles on first down in the I formation, and now you sound like him in a press conference. Comparing Jews to Muslims now? Seriously Mr. Self Acclaimed Published college man? Jews didn't behead folks and call for the death/destruction of all "infidels" and try to recruit people from all over the map to join their cause.......Jews never attacked anyone, The Japanese did and we punched a couple craters on their island and big surprise it got their asses in line. However these animals deserve worse.......
You think Hitler didn't demonize the Jews just like you are doing? Fine. Eradicate the zealots. But the idea that we must eradicate all 2 billion muslins is just stupid. Most of them are simply farmers, herders, and merchants trying to get by.
So, you are advocating genocide because most muslims don't give a damn about a fight between terrorists and the United States?
Please show me where I advocated genocide. My point was clear. Unless and until the entire Muslim community (or a significant portion of the 2 billion allegedly innocent ones) speaks up, condemns, demands, and takes up arms against the vile evil horde of DAASH types, then I don't want to hear about the "religion of peace". Frankly that's a misnomer anyway, made up by some muslim who wants people to buy that proposition. Directly translated, islam is the religion of submission.
You took issue with my remarks about genocide to somebody else. Who said anything about a religion of peace? I simply say that killing two billion muslims is a impossible, childish pipe dream and xenophobic, genocidal one at that. Obama stated clearly that the muslim community must step up to the plate and I agree with him. Six muslim countries have taken up arms against ISIS, did you miss that?