i read the topics on this board and was really surprised to not see this...prolly should have read the threads first. flame away.
It happens, that's why Brett asks for thread topics to be clearly stated and yours was. No worries. Two threads were merged cause of a double posting. :thumb:
Looks like he misses Tiger Stadium. Wonder how often he comes back for the "experience" Other thoughts: animal rights activists must be going nuts with this video.
Well, your link just afforded me my first visit to that site. And my last. What a bunch of pathetic, jealous losers.
Welcome to the board Josh, what a awesome job on that video. I wish you lived next door to me in Mississippi, we would have a great time during the games. I hope to see you staying around here, I am looking forward to seeing more of your videos. :geauxtige :geauxtige :geauxtige :geauxtige :geauxtige