Me too. But they have a greater chance of being hit by a meteor twice on the same day than be a victim of terrorism.
I may have answered hastily, and I am willing to admit a mistake and reconsider. Can you post up some hot muslim chicks? My search engage hangs up when I try that combo!
I thnk #10 is an American, and it shows. I will take our top 10 over those gals anyday, but a couple of them could probably get an Allah Akbar from me!
For all of those claiming drone strikes are surgical and only kill terrorists or that our intelligence is so good we can trust it. Also read 'Confessions of a Drone Warrior" in GQ another frightening statement.
Never happen. Of course, FDR incarcerated all those Japanese......But, of course, such a mass deportation of Muslims would be "to insure the safety of each and every Muslim."