1. True, but I hope my wife or I aren't in the mall.
  2. Me too. But they have a greater chance of being hit by a meteor twice on the same day than be a victim of terrorism.
  3. Jeez, if you can back that up with a link, I'll.......never mind, this feels like a sucker bet.:p
  4. I may have answered hastily, and I am willing to admit a mistake and reconsider. Can you post up some hot muslim chicks? My search engage hangs up when I try that combo!
  5. I thnk #10 is an American, and it shows. I will take our top 10 over those gals anyday, but a couple of them could probably get an Allah Akbar from me!
  6. Dam right we can. I'm never too far from a Glock these days.