I think nothing much will change until a strong leader steps forward, a Patriot who will put the best interests of America first. A Teddy Roosevelt type who can draw groundswell support and create a new political party. Of course this would unite the dems and pubs,.. our hope would probably be assassinated.
Libertarian Party is looking better every year. It's been way past time to buck the 2 major party system.
Read their platform. They are more Ayn Rand than you know. Some of their positions are very far out there. I am all for personal responsibility but they take it to an extreme IMO.
what we need is a third party that embraces the best of the center-right and center-left and excludes lunatics with radical ideas or ideologies that come before the common good.
The libertarians are not moderates. It's another conservative party. Is there room for three conservative parties (Tea, Republican, Libertarian) without diluting the GOP vote?
Since the thread was hijacked by stupidity, I'll attempt to get it back on track by saying it's not a matter of "if", it's "when".
A few muslims attacking a mall will not hurt the United States any more than the regular shootings by our own nutjobs. We can deal with these guys.