just joking with you there.. I couldn't imagine anyone still using that. Although we still have some programmers in my office who code in Clipper if anyone remembers that.
I thought Rex got hammered because of stuff like posting the big October surprise and then not sticking around to take his medicine when it fizzled like a fart in the November air at Tiger Stadium. Also, none of the other Kerry supporters here have been posting about voter scams and rigged voting machines. I think I gave him negative points once way back, but that's about it. I wouldn't exactly say Rex is rude, but he does come off as extremely arrogant and seems to think he is a cut above everyone else for some unknown reason. That's where I take issue with him. Just my $.09.
Well, the people who give neg rep do. I don't give a rat's ass either. You got some examples of any ass-kissing? Gradin99 is just more articulate than most. And after all, who really gives a rat's ass? Well, I scanned some of your posts again and you may have a point. You don't a lot of name-calling. You are very inflammatory, however (Bush is Insane!), which seems to provoke name-calling on your threads. But it falls short of the rudeness some others indulge in around here. I remove you from the rude list. You stay on the inflammatory list . . . but that's OK, we always need some pepper in the stew.
The majority of your post are written to be intentionally inflammatory. Example: Laura Bush is a lying bitch. You construe her opinion as a lie, thats your interpretation, but don't say you are not a name caller. You can't prove she is a "bitch" (name calling) anymore than I can prove your wife is not one. :thumb:
I think Rex adds to forum tremendously, we don't have very many left wing people around here and especially not any that enjoy stirring the pot as much as him. What would us Republicans do without somebody to argue with and get mad at?
Damn! It says I have to spread some more rep around before hammering rex again. :dis: :dis: :dis: :dis: :dis: :dis: :dis: :dis:
I'd gladly give you more negatives but it won't let me I guess I can give your's to crawfish, LOL you and he seem to be on the same time warp. :wink:
BRUTHA now that jus hurts :bncry: *sniff :dis: :lol: Ive given you red rep points when you were rude ( deserved them ) but I've also given you green ones :thumb: when you weren't being a turd. :shock: tirk wanna be? *cough* LOL dude I've always posted pics of fine wimmin. It goes hand in hand with Cars. You've heard that saying fast cars , fast women? Ok maybe you haven't :dis: brother I don't know if you realize this but good lookin ladies are for all to enjoy, not just tirk and I. try it, you MIGHT like it. :wink: so why ya wanna frame me like dat? LOL :hihi: Party on garth.